Year 10 Information
The Year 10 Program
Students at Year 10 undertake a learning program as per the diagram below.
Year 10 students will select a program that comprises core English, Maths and Wellbeing, as well as up to 9 electives including:
- One English elective
- At least one Science elective
- Up to 7 other electives
Students at Year 10 are encouraged to select a Unit 1&2 sequence (a Year 11 subject) which will count as 2 of these elective choices. Students who elect not to study an accelerated subject will study two Year 10 electives in its place.
The wellbeing of Year 10 students is critical for academic success, social relationships and a sense of belonging at Melbourne Girls’ College. Wellbeing teachers develop relationships with students to help support them through Year 10 to achieve their goals and develop and grow as young adults preparing for VCE and life after school. The program aims to foster positive relationships with peers and teachers, build the capacity to be empathetic and grateful and refine study and organizational skills.
Pathway Planning
The Year 10 Careers Program is designed to assist students to plan their pathway into VCE and beyond. This comprises of activities such as the Mock Job Interview program in partnership with Richmond Rotary Club and individual and/or group counselling session. This latter activity will aim to help students identify their learning style and strengths in not only academic but also non-academic areas of their life. It will also give them an opportunity to ask questions, seek assistance and speak about their future plans.
Work Experience is also another component of the Year 10 Careers program. It aims to highlight not only what the 'World of work' is really like but also gives them an opportunity to explore an interest they may have in a particular industry.
Guidelines for Year 10 Students Who Wish To Undertake VCE/VET Units
The following VCE/VET studies are available to MGC Year 10 students:
- Accounting
- Art: Making and Exhibiting (Approval Required from Arts Leader)
- Australian and Global Politics
- Biology
- Business Management
- Chinese 2nd Language
- Computing
- Dance (by audition)
- Drama (by audition)
- Food Studies
- French
- General Maths
- Health and Human Development
- History: Modern History
- Legal Studies
- Media (Approval Required from Arts Leader)
- Music Performance (by audition)
- Philosophy
- Physical Education
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Textile Design
- VET (subject to availability)
- Visual Communications & Design (Approval Required from Arts Leader)
The Year 10 acceleration program aims to provide opportunities for students to:
- Maximise learning experiences by undertaking the study of a Unit 1/ & 2 sequence in Year 10
- Excel in an area of interest
Students interested in undertaking VCE units in Year 10 will apply through the course selection process in order to determine their eligibility for entry into a Year 11 subject. Entry into an accelerated subject is not automatic and the decision to enrol a student in an accelerated subject ultimately rests with the school. Students who wish to enrol in VCE/VET units in Year 10 will need to meet the following prerequisites to ensure that they are prepared for the demands of studying an accelerated subject:
- A high attendance rate for the current year in all their subjects
- Demonstrated commitment to study, which includes well developed time management skills, effort in all their subjects and strong organisational skills