Who Can Help?
The structure of the Senior School course at Melbourne Girls’ College has been designed to assist students achieve the maximum from their senior years of secondary education. Your Year Level Leader and Assistant Year Level Leader are available to assist you.
The Unit/Subject Teacher
The Unit teacher assists each student in their class, reminding them of methods of improvement, as well as helping them understand the area of study involved and giving clear indication of progress and satisfactory completion of tasks. Teachers are also available out-of-classes, at lunchtime/after-school to further explain concepts, discuss work and help with homework. Regular feedback can also be found on Compass under Learning Tasks.
The Learning Area Leader
The Learning Area Leader can also be of assistance explaining information about the course and the areas of study involved. They can also assist students answering questions about course selection and pre-requisites of possible career options. They can also be approached when students wish to be further involved in the subject, for example assisting during Science week, being a Maths tutor, running lunchtime activities, organising faculty functions, etc.
The Wellbeing Centre
Melbourne Girls’ College adopts a holistic model of health and wellbeing that focuses on the physical, mental, emotional and social facets of our young people’s lives. All members of our learning community will be supported to build their personal capacity through the Wellbeing Curriculum, bespoke programs and the expertise of our experienced Psychologists. Our Psychologists can support students and families with the following:
· Provision of support to students and families
· Individual short-term counselling for students for school related issues
· Group work / support to embed Visible Wellbeing programs
· Support Restorative Practices
· Participation in School Support Group meetings
· Liaison with external support agencies
· Consults regularly with Year Level Leaders and teaching staff
Your Wellbeing Teacher
In Year 10 your Wellbeing teacher is the initial contact for students during the course counselling process and will provide advice on subject selection. The Year Level Leader and Assistant Year Level Leader of Year 10, 11 and 12 are to be contacted in regard to absences or matters concerning meeting the VCE requirements.
Year Level Leaders
The Senior School Year Level Leaders can assist students to clarify the many detailed questions they may have about the VCE such as extensions, delay of decisions, special examination arrangements, etc. They often have information on sessions or courses for students to attend for the development of their skills and knowledge which will enhance their chances of success in their VCE.
The Year Level Leader monitors each student’s progress, both academically and personally. The Year Level Leader should be approached if there are any personal problems, school problems, and problems with the work and can refer students to counselling support. The Year Level Leader is the contact point in the school for parents with questions or concerns. The Year Level Leader is also involved in the discipline of students, should the need arise.
The Careers Leader
The Careers Leader maintains a wide range of resources from tertiary institutions and on career options in the Careers Room. They can help students with subject selection, investigating prerequisites for tertiary courses and general career research, and will also inform students of relevant events, such as Open Days at tertiary institutions, Career Expos around Melbourne and Career Information sessions to be held at the school. Much of this information is disseminated through the weekly Careers newsletter which students are recommended to read.