Beaumaris Secondary College Newsletter

Belong. Believe. Become

Issue 15 · 12 Oct 2023

In this issue

Principal's Report  Farewell Year 12, Term 4 Assembly, Safety & Wellbeing Festival, Community Footy Day, Year 7 2024 Information Night, Term 4 Student-free Day
College Captains' Report
Parents' Association Update BSC Ladies Lunch - Bookings Close Tonight!, Cake Stall at the Safety & Wellbeing Festival, Year 12 Breakfast and Last Day, Year Level Representatives, Next Meeting , 2023 Meeting Dates, Feedback
Last Week of Year 12! Monday - House Colours Day, Tuesday - Dress up as your younger self, Wednesday - Bedazzle your uniform, Thursday - Dress up as your younger self, Keeping busy before exams..., Year 12 Hide & Seek 
Tips to Help your Teen Through Exam Time 9 tips to help your teen through exam time, 5 ways to help teenagers study for exams
Term 4 Music Soiree Invitation  You are invited to our upcoming “7pm Soiree Series"!
Fairy Bread Day Sprinkle it with Kindness! 
BSC Odd Socks Day
Wellbeing Matters Body Confident Children and Teens - For Parents, Community Mentors for Students
Safety & Wellbeing Festival
House Colours & Footy Colours Days House Colours Day, Footy Colours Day
Y9/10 The Great Outdoors Surfing Lesson
VCE Geography Overnight Tourism Fieldwork  
VCE Physical Education Bounce Excursion
VCE Psychology Sleep Labs, Tik Tok Marshmallow Challenge
Attenborough Club
Sports News  Regional Athletics
Careers & Pathways News  Dates to Diarise in Term 4, News from Monash University, News from Deakin University, Psychiatrists and Psychologists: What's the Difference?, Careers in Real Estate
Library News Mapping Out the Library, Book Club, Library Opening Hours 
Student Success Lacrosse U15 National Championships 
Scholarships to support students Student scholarships
12 Months Free Internet at Home To support your child's education 
In the Community
Key Dates New Dates, Full Calendar, 2024
College Information College Phone Number , Email Contacts, Office Hours, Session Times, Absences, Late Arrival/Early Departure, Lost Property, Canteen, BSC Website, BSC Facebook Page

Published by Beaumaris Secondary College