Principal's Report 

"Your life is your story, and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential." - Kerry Washington

Farewell Year 12

It is with mixed emotions that I bid farewell to our first Year 12s. This group of remarkable young people has left a legacy that is the foundation of our school culture. Their achievements are a testament to their dedication, resilience, and unwavering spirit.

Throughout their time at Beaumaris Secondary College, the Year 12 students have grown with the school. They have demonstrated exceptional adaptability, flexibility and openness, particularly in the face of the unprecedented challenges posed by the global pandemic. Their ability to navigate these times with kindness, patience and determination has been truly inspiring.


Academically, they have consistently immersed themselves in their learning with intellectual curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. Their results will be evidence that what they put into their studies.  This is a testament to their hard work and the support of our dedicated teaching staff. Their future success will be built on the strong academic foundations of Beaumaris Secondary College.


Beyond the classroom, the Year 12s have always displayed a strong sense of community spirit. Their involvement in community service projects, charity initiatives, and volunteering efforts highlighted their care and commitment to making the world a better place gives me confidence in the future.  


I want to express my deepest gratitude to the parents, guardians, and families who have supported them and the college on this journey. Your unwavering encouragement, guidance, and love have played a pivotal role in their success.


To our dedicated GOAL mentors and teachers, I extend my heartfelt thanks for your tireless efforts in nurturing these young minds. Your passion for education and commitment to excellence have shaped these students into the outstanding individuals they have become.


Finally, to the Year 12s, as you reflect on your last days of secondary school do not see it as an ending, merely another transition. You are about to embark on the next great journey. Try not to get bogged in the destination because you will miss the beauty of the path taken.


You have lived Belong, Believe, Become for your time at Beaumaris so I know they are carried in your heart and your mind.

Term 4 Assembly

We commenced the term on a high note with our ‘Strive’ and ‘Rising Star’ awards to honour our dedicated students from Semester 1 results. We invited parents to join us, and we were delighted with 120 celebrating their child’s achievements with us at assembly. We are grateful that Zoe Daniel MP was able to join us to present the awards. Congratulations to all and a special shout-out to Winnie B for an amazing guitar performance, he truly made the guitar sing!

Safety & Wellbeing Festival

The festival on Sunday was a great success bringing together the various safety supports in our community along with a range of wellbeing support that can be accessed locally. 


Our amazing parents contributed to the Parents’ Association Bake sale which was a hit. There were five long tables of sweet and savoury treats that were sold out by the end of the festival. Thank you to all the parent volunteers and the Parents’ Association for organising the bake sale.

A highlight of the festival was our students who were able to showcase their musical talents with a variety of singers, musicians and bands entertaining our visitors throughout the day. The sound of bagpipes and drums could be heard throughout Beaumaris as the police band performed.  

Thank you to the Student Wellbeing Action Group for their outstanding commitment to bringing the festival together. Thank you to our local community for supporting this terrific event.

Community Footy Day

On the last day of Term 3, some of our Year 10 students supported the amazing work of Better Health Network by running some drills and activities for the Adult Community Options Disability Day Program. It was a very rewarding experience for all involved.

Year 7 2024 Information Night

I look forward to welcoming our incoming 2024 Year 7 students tonight. The information night will be guided by our student leaders, who will provide insights into what the first year at Beaumaris Secondary College holds for both students and their families. 

Term 4 Student-free Day

A reminder that Friday 24 November is a Professional Practice Day. Students are not required at school on this day. There are no scheduled classes or supervision.


Debby Chaves
