The Anchor

Week Two | Term Four 2023 · 19 Oct 2023

In this issue

From the Principal Secondary Athletics Carnival, eSafety Guidance for dealing with distressing online content, Graduating Class of 2023, John Gilmour (Academic) Scholarships and Music Scholarships
From the Wellness Centre Claire Eaton - Hello High School
Whole School News Grammar Grown wine for sale, Uniform Shop Opening Hours
Secondary School Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA), Elevate
Cocurricular Upcoming Cocurricular Opportunities, Years Six, Seven and Eight (2024) - Nihon Tour, Year Twelve (2024) - Leavers Service Tour, Clipboard
Primary School  Horizons, House Leader Nominations, Term Four Cup, Curriculum Spotlight - Daily Review, School Values and ECC Stars of the Week, Upcoming Events, Year Six Blazer Fittings
Sports News Amelia McDonald Representing WA
Technologies News Digital Industries Melbourne Tour
Arts News Year Eight Graphic Illustration - Skateboard Designs, Denmark Summer Early Music Workshop
P&F News Next DIGS meeting, Save the date!, Join our 'DIGS at GSG' Facebook Group 
Great Southern Griffins Winter Sports Photography, Basketball – Aussie Hoops, Griffins Major Sponsors
For Your Diary Week Two, Term Four, Week Three, Term Four, Week Four, Term Four
Canteen News Weekly Special - Week Three, Term Four, Daily Specials
Community News Term Four Classes at ALAC - For little ones!, 2024 'Gap Year' position at Lincolns, Academic Task Force - Term Four Exam Boost Workshops, The Best Australian Short Film Competition - Next Gen Youth Prize, Denmark SLSC - New Season Registrations Open, Outdoors Great Southern
School Feedback Compliments, Complaints and Suggestions, Statement of Commitment to Child Safety

Published by Great Southern Grammar