Sports News

Amelia McDonald Representing WA

In the school holidays, Amelia McDonald (Year Eight) along with her family made the long trek across the country for Amelia and her pony, 'Springwater Chanel', to represent WA at the 2023 Marcus Oldham Australian Interschool Championships. The trip took four days, driving across the Nullarbor, a journey taking them across three states and over 3000km - what an adventure! 'Chanel' travelled very well and she and Amelia had some very creditable performances after such a long trip. The pair competed in the Working Hunter, Preliminary Dressage and Combined Training 60cm classes and received a 5th place in the Working Hunter Led Phase and placed 9th overall, we were very excited for a Top 10 placing at a National Championships! Amelia and Chanel also posted some solid dressage scores and jumped a fabulous clear round in the show jumping phase of their combined training class. There was lots of learning, a lot of fun was had, and new friendships made and Amelia is very grateful for the opportunity to represent her state on a National stage in her chosen sport.