Technologies News

Digital Industries Melbourne Tour

Last week, a group of 17 students from Year Nine to Eleven, flew to Melbourne to experience a 6 day tour exploring Melbourne’s culture and technology offerings. Planned by Mr Bailey years ago, right before COVID begun, we all were extremely excited to experience a tour as GSG for the first time since the pandemic started. 


Over the week, we got to visit some of Melbourne’s best and iconic places such as the Flinders Street Train Station and the Graffiti Lane. Personally, the most iconic and the best highlight of the whole trip was visiting the Melbourne University. Seeing the amazing buildings to cater to students learning in many fields. While we visited, during our lunch break some of us popped into the massive merch sale and bought jumpers, shirts and stickers, which we proudly showed off.


Some great highlights of the tour were watching Flynn run into poles, Luke taking a tree and trying to convince Mr Bailey to bring it back with us on the tram, Clyde getting stuck in a random revolving door while walking to dinner, and the random kettle in Sam and Hardy’s room one night. Oh and we cannot forget the obsession with EasyMart.


We also visited the CISCO Headquarters to learn about some career pathway opportunities that we could take in technologies, hearing from a WA sales representative who also oversees GSG’s CISCO connection through products and services, and from another staff member and her journey from school through uni to the workforce.


Another amazing experience was the Spirit of Melbourne dinner cruise along the Yarra River. We all enjoyed an amazing 4 course meal, although for the first hour the engine overheated. But looking at the amazing views of the city at night and the kind staff made up for it.


Other great experiences were the PAX Australia gaming exhibition, Fortress Esports dinner, Telstra Creative Space, Melbourne Skydeck and visiting the 88th floor on the moving glass to overview the city, IMAX, ACMI, The Ian Potter Centre National Gallery, Melbourne Museum, and the great food across the city.


I, on the behalf of the whole group, would like to thank Mr Bailey for his dedication with planning this trip. And to Mr Pitman for coming along and supervising and ensuring we stay safe throughout the week. Also to Mr Bailey’s memes and daily motivations in the Teams and Discord chats.

Charlie Hill | Year Nine