St Pius X College Newsletter

Issue 21 · 25 Jul 2024

In this issue

Upcoming Events Stay connected with the, College, Term 3
From the Acting Principal Prayer, Welcome back to Term 3, Year 5 - 10 parent/teacher/student interviews, Holiday Activities and Tours, 2024 EREA NSW Teaching and Learning Conference - Connected Community: Growing Excellence in Practice, Staffing Update, Your Building Fund in Action, New Directors and Members to the EREA NSW Board and committees, Trivia Night 2024:  Saturday 17 August, Date Claimers
Teaching and Learning EREA Shared Professional Learning Day, NAPLAN, Academic Annexe
Mission and Identity Matthew 25:40 Red Dirt Immersion, Campion College Winter Program , Youth in Council, Sacrament of Confirmation
Pastoral Care  Welcome back, Year 8 ski trip, Year 12 2025 Student Leadership Team, Push ups for Mental Health
Junior School News From the Acting Head of the Junior School, NAPLAN, Junior School Sport, Tennis (NSTA), From the Junior Resource Centre, Junior School Chess Club
Parent & Student Matters Bus changes in the North and North West of Sydney, Science, Languages, Maths Drop In
Senior School Cocurricular Program  From the Assistant Principal, Cocurricular, Fixtures, Athletics, CSDA Debating, Football, Rugby, SPX Rugby Club, Tennis (NSTA)
Performing Arts Music Matters, Drama Matters
P&F News  SPX P&F Trivia Night 2024 – Saturday 17 August, SPX Rugby Club - Gala Dinner, Year 12 night out - 13 July, Year 6 Father/Son camping night - 7 September
Careers Careers Newsletter
Canteen Menu, Canteen Volunteers, Roster, Volunteer Working With Children Check
Uniform Shop - Operated by Ranier Schoolwear

Published by St Pius X College Chatswood