From the Acting Principal

  • Prayer
  • Welcome back to Term 3
  • Year 5 - 10 parent/teacher/student interviews
  • Holiday Activities and Tours
  • 2024 EREA Teaching and Learning Conference
  • Staffing Update
  • Your Building Fund in Action
  • New Directors and Members to the EREA NSW Board and committees
  • P&F Trivia Night
  • Date Claimers


Dear Lord

As we return to our school for a new term, 

We lift our hearts in prayer,

Grateful for the opportunity

To embark on a new term with care.


We thank you for the students,

For their eager minds and curious hearts.

Grant them wisdom and understanding 

As they embark on new learning and opportunities.


Bless our teachers and staff

Who tirelessly give their best.

May they inspire and guide

All those in their care.


We pray for our parents.

For their endless support and love.

Bless them with patience and strength

As they continue their journey with their children.


Lord, watch over our school community as the new term begins.

Keep us safe in mind and soul.

May we grow in knowledge and grace

And always strive to do what is right.


Blessed Edmund Rice, Pray for Us

St Pius X, Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts, Forever

Welcome back to Term 3

A very warm welcome back for Term 3! We are thrilled about the term ahead and have already made a strong start. Our focus remains on enriching students' learning, offering valuable cultural and social justice opportunities, supporting overall well-being, and engaging in a wide range of co-curricular activities. We look forward to sharing these experiences and any new initiatives with you throughout the term.

Year 5 - 10 parent/teacher/student interviews

A big thank you to parents, students, and staff for your positive engagement with the parent/teacher/student interviews held on Thursday, 29 June and Friday, 30 June. These meetings play a crucial role in the learning cycle. They not only provide students with commendations and recommendations but also empower them by fostering voice and agency in their learning journey. Constructive feedback helps students reflect on their progress, asking themselves 'How am I going?' and determining 'where to next?' By using class, report and interview feedback, students can develop their goals for the semester ahead.

Goals provide clarity and direction, helping us focus on what is important and what we want to achieve. Research shows that people who set goals (and use them effectively) not only perform better but also experience less stress and anxiety, leading to greater happiness and life satisfaction.

Our Semester 1 Academic Awards Ceremony, ‘A Celebration of Learning’, will be held on Friday 9 August in The Concourse from 11:00 am.  Invitations will be extended to parents and carers of those students who will be presented their award at the ceremony.

Holiday Activities and Tours

During the term break there were many activities available to students and I acknowledge and thank all involved in the following:

  • The classes, seminars and workshops held for our HSC students
  • The Red Dirt Immersion across Coonabarabran, Warrumbungles, Brewarrina, Bourke and Dubbo
  • The  First XV Rugby tour to Queensland  

2024 EREA NSW Teaching and Learning Conference - Connected Community: Growing Excellence in Practice

On Monday’s staff professional learning day, teaching and counselling staff attended the EREA NSW Teaching and Learning Conference at Waverley College.

The day provided a wonderful opportunity for our staff to come together to collaborate and learn from our peers across seven of the NSW EREA schools and engage in rich professional dialogue and practice. We came away with a strong sense of what we have in common with our EREA network, a renewed sense of hope about the education we provide our students, and some new and innovative teaching and learning strategies for Boys Education. Please read Mr Davidson’s (Assistant Principal, Teaching and Learning) article to learn more.

I would like to extend my gratitude to the St Pius X staff members who presented workshops at the conference:  Ms Raelene Boyle, Mr Matthew Buda, Mr Sam Di Sano, Mr Neil Gibson, Mrs Annabel Gunns, Mrs Samantha Iwatani, Mr Matthew Makhoul, Mr David Reay, Mr Pat Rodgers, Mrs Joanne Schuster, Mr Paul Ticli and Mr Matthew Wall.  The feedback from these sessions has been overwhelmingly positive.

Staffing Update

We extend a warm welcome to the college for our new staff who commenced with us this week.

Ms Belinda Hodges : Junior School teacher

Ms Leisa O'Connor  : Junior School teacher's aide

Mr Ben Serone : Visual Arts teacher

Dr Lesley Gissane : English teacher

Ms Lilanya D'Silva : Science teacher


We also welcome back Mr Dan Quilty from his leave last term.

Your Building Fund in Action

Over the holiday break, the college continued the further upgrade of its facilities.  I thank the college maintenance and resources team and the contractors who completed the work in a short time.

I highlight the following for your interest:

  • Painting of exterior areas through the Chatswood campus
  • Installation of new gates on Ferguson Lane
  • Painting of change rooms in college gymnasium
  • Installation of new chilled water stations throughout the college
  • Installation of new windows in C Wing
  • Continuation of work on the Waterford Learning Centre
  • Routine maintenance and cleaning throughout internal and external areas of Chatswood and Oxford Falls campuses

New Directors and Members to the EREA NSW Board and committees

Please see the attached letter from Mr Sam Hardjono, Chair of EREA NSW Colleges Board, announcing new directors and members to the EREA NSW Board and committees.

Trivia Night 2024:  Saturday 17 August

Come and join in the fun at this year’s P&F Trivia Night on Saturday 17 August in the Chatswood gym.  Doors will open at 6:45 pm and trivia will start at 7:15 pm.

This year’s trivia night is an Olympic themed night.  

All funds raised will directly benefit the Performing Arts, Rugby, Cricket, Football, Basketball, Tennis and Robotics Clubs so please come along and support your son’s club.

More information can be found in the P&F page of the Woodchatta.

Date Claimers

Sunday 28 July: Year 12 Drama Trials 

Monday 29 July:  Year 8 Ski Trip

Monday 5 August:  Trial HSC Examinations commence

Tuesday 6 August: Year 9 2025 subject selection evening

Friday 9 August: Celebration of Learning

Wednesday 15 August: Junior School Grandparent's Day and Walkathon

Saturday 17 August: P&F Trivia Night

Monday 19 August: P&F Meeting (rescheduled date)

Monday 2 September:  St Pius X Feast Day holiday


Please also review the Upcoming Events page of this week’s Woodchatta for information on other events during the coming weeks.


Fide et Labore

By Faith and hard work

Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever

Ms Elizabeth Watson - Acting Principal