St Philomena's School Newsletter


Issue 9 · 21 Jun 2024

In this issue

Calendar Term 2, Week 9, Week 10
   Principal's Message
Wellbeing How to Talk to Kids About Race and Cultural Diversity, Why These Conversations Are Important, How to Talk About Diversity, Start By Examining Yourself, Questions to Ask Yourself, Teach the Value of Racial and Cultural Diversity, Encourage Your Child to Ask Questions, See the Broader Value of Teaching Acceptance, Discuss Images in the Media, How to Put Words Into Action, Host a Festive Evening, Listen to Music From Another Culture, Discuss How Cultures Solve Problems
Whole School News K-10 Athletics Carnival , Grand Opening of Cricket Nets, NCCD - Nationally Consistent Collection Data, Attendance, New Drop Off & Pick Up Arrangements , Fresh Food Wednesday , Overnight Excursions, Contact Details , Gwydir Street Crossing, Rural and Regional School Travel 
Library News Book Club , National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS)
Primary News Kindergarten, Primary Winter Uniform Expectations, Semester 1 Reports and Parent Teacher Conferences
Secondary News Secondary Science Engineering Challenge , Parent Teacher Conferences , Bike Repair Class , Position Vacant - Secondary English Teacher 
Sports News Secondary Diocesan Cochrane Cup & League Tag, Upcoming Sport Events , Sport Information
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander News  Important Dates 2024, Awards, Naidoc Week , Fresh Food Wednesday, Minutes & Days Missed
Parents & Friends Association News P&F Meeting 
School Information SUPERVISION HOURS ON SCHOOL SITE, UNIFORM SHOP, CANTEEN CONTACT DETAILS, ADMINISTRATION OFFICE, School Attendance, Is your child too sick for school?, School Fee Payments
 Community News After School Clubs, ADIG - Bonus Saver Account, Child Dental Benefits Scheme , Good For Kids

Published by St Philomena's School Moree