Loch Primary School
Issue 4 · 05 May 2019
In this issue
School Values
Values, School Motto, Vision, Play is the Way, Commitment to Child Safety, Acknowledgement of Land
Principal's Ponderings
Welcome to Term Two, Bring a Special Friend OPEN DAY, ANZAC Day, Instrumental Music Lessons, Equipment Boost, Congratulations to, Leilani and Rory, Whole School, Working Bee, After School Activities, Feedback opportunities, NAPLAN, Mothers' Day, Staying up to date, Positive Affirmations
Athletics Carnival
Athletics Carnival
Planks Incursion
Planks Incursion
Classroom News
Year Prep/1, Year 1/2, Year 2/3, Year 3/4, Year 4/5
Student Awards
Term One, Achievement Awards, Term Two, Students of the Week
Calendar Dates
May , June
Information for Parents
Breakfast Club, Mothers Day, The Island Camp Year 3/4, Attendance, School Uniforms, Before & After, School Activities, Earn & Learn is back, Little Loch Lyrebirds, Play Group, Working With Children Checks, Illness, TERM DATES
Instrumental Music Offerings
Leigh Owens, Guitar, Drums & Piano, Leona Moore, Piano, Kerryn Lockhart, Voice
Explicit Instruction
Explainer: what is explicit instruction and how does it help children learn?
Community News
Auskick, Lang Lang United SC, Korumburra Swim School, Become a Host Family, Korumburra SC, This Girl Can, United Minds, Burra Sports
Published by Loch Primary School