Principal's Ponderings
Welcome to Term Two
We have enjoyed a busy beginning to Term Two with Easter celebrations, ANZAC day and a visit from Dr Lorraine Hammond with teachers participating in professional development.
We welcome Madelyn Greenall and her family to our school. Madelyn has joined the year 3/4 class.
We also welcome Mrs Mandy Stephens who is supporting students in the BER rooms. Mandy has a background working with children with disabilities and the early years. Please say hello with a big smile when you see Mandy and Madelyn.
Currently in Australia there are regular concerns raised about our literacy and numeracy achievements of students. We have declining rates of literacy across our country which are alarming. Many students leave primary school with inadequate literacy skills and struggle in secondary school and as adults. There is ongoing debate in education circles about the most effective methods for teaching literacy. At Loch Primary School we have spent considerable time investigating the research and evidence in order to ensure we are making well informed decisions about our teaching practices.
The National Inquiry into Teaching of Literacy in Australia was published in 2005. Similar inquiries were undertaken in the UK and USA all with similar findings and recommendations. These documents and recommendations have largely been ignored for more than a decade.
Amongst twenty recommendations there are clear references to ensuring that teachers have the skills and knowledge necessary to explicitly and systematically teach reading.
Recommendation 1
The Committee recommends that teachers be equipped with teaching strategies based on findings from rigorous, evidence-based research that are shown to be effective in enhancing the literacy development of all children.
Recommendation 2
The Committee recommends that teachers provide systematic, direct and explicit phonics instruction so that children master the essential alphabetic code-breaking skills required for foundational reading proficiency. Equally, that teachers provide an integrated approach to reading that supports the development of oral
language, vocabulary, grammar, reading fluency, comprehension and the literacies of new technologies.
The Victorian Education Department has introduced a number of worthwhile practices to improve literacy and numeracy achievements of our students. One of these initiatives is the introduction of HIGH IMPACT TEACHING STRATEGIES. We have explored these High Impact Teaching Strategies and as a school have decided to focus on and implement Explicit Instruction. Our teachers are passionate about ensuring that all of our students are equipped with high level literacy and numeracy skills.
The decision to implement Explicit Instruction has been deliberate and has involved considerable investigation, reading of the research and evidence about effective student learning, visits to other schools and extensive learning with leading education experts. I am very proud of our decision to undertake this work and to be brave in following the research and science of learning.
Over the past two years, our teachers have been tirelessly participating in professional learning and building their knowledge and skills. This work has been demanding, involved long hours of work and learning and has required teachers to step outside of their comfort zones and develop themselves and challenge their beliefs and philosophies.
Term One has seen our teachers begin whole school implementation of Explicit Instruction. The process has been challenging as students shift to new processes and expectations in their classrooms. Some students have found the change to be challenging and others have adapted quickly. Our teachers are improving every day in their delivery of Explicit Instruction and I thank our students and families for their support as teachers work through this process and refine their skills.
Explicit Instruction involves teachers clearly explaining and modelling to students new learning. It also involves regular review of this learning to ensure students move their learning to long term memory. Each morning teachers are delivering a 10 - 12 minute daily review each for literacy and numeracy. The morning session is demanding of students requiring them to actively participate and take responsibility for their learning. With Explicit Instruction students are not able to avoid learning or tasks and everyone is expected to be fully involved in the learning process. The brain that does the work does the learning. During Explicit Instruction lessons, teachers differentiate learning to accommodate the varying learning levels of students.
I have included an explanation of Explicit Instruction in this newsletter for parents who wish to know further details.
I would like to acknowledge the work of our teachers over the past 18 months. It does take courage to be open to new learning and passion and energy to actively change your teaching practice. Our teaching staff have acknowledged that all children deserve to learn to read and have taken the necessary steps to ensure we can make this a reality.
I also wish to acknowledge the support of our school council who have been involved in discussions and decision making.
Parents are invited to come along and watch lessons in action to see for themselves Explicit Instruction. If you are unsure or have questions please do meet with your child's teachers or make an appointment to see me for a discussion. I ask for the support of our families as we continue this important work.
Bring a Special Friend OPEN DAY
Our annual Open Day will be held on Friday 17th May. Students are encouraged to bring a special friend along to share in activities and to showcase their learning. On this day, classrooms will be open and will provide demonstration lessons so special friends can see our programs and explicit instruction in action. Special friends will be invited to join in learning activities and work alongside students. We hope to see many families and special friends at our Open Day. Students always take pride in showcasing their achievements and learning.
Our students represented our school beautifully at the Loch ANZAC service singing and laying a wreath on behalf of our community. Students were respectful and polite and engaged with the service. Well done to everyone involved. Many thanks to Mrs Naismith for leading our choir.
Instrumental Music Lessons
We are very excited to be able to offer instrumental music lessons in 2019.
We have sourced three qualified and experienced music teachers who will provide lessons on site at Loch Primary School. We are very lucky to have been able to entice these teachers to our small school and I hope that there is enough interest in our community to book lessons and keep the teachers busy.
Leigh Owens is an experienced and highly skilled musician himself who also has his own business in Wonthaggi and has been providing lessons to children for a number of years. He is highly sought after and offers lessons in guitar, keyboard and drums.
Leona Moore is a local to Loch and has been providing piano lessons to students for a number of years. She has an extensive music and performance background and is a highly skilled teacher who is offering piano lessons to Loch students.
Kerryn Lockhart is a talented vocalist and an experienced singing teacher. She has a wealth of experience in performing and sharing her skills with many years experience as a vocal teacher.
There are limited places for all three teachers as they are in demand, however it is hoped that our community will fill these lessons, making the visits to our school worthwhile.
Equipment Boost
Last year we were successful in a grant to fund equipment for inclusive education. We received $36583 worth of new equipment In Term One as part of this initiative. We have new Ipads, Cpens, decodable readers and spelling mastery materials which is very exciting for our school.
Congratulations to
Leilani and Rory
Big congratulations to both Rory and Leilani for being nominated to try out for the School Sport Victoria teams. Both students are fantastic sports people with amazing skills.
Leilani attended tryouts for under 12s basketball and gave it her best go. Rory attended try outs for under 12's basketball and AFL football. Rory has now been asked to attend the next level of football tryouts to be selected as a member of the Victorian team. What a fabulous achievement!
This level of competition and championship is for gifted and talented students and provides a wonderful opportunity for students to participate in higher levels of sporting competition.
We are really proud of both Rory and Leilani.
Whole School
Working Bee
Huge thank you to all of the students, parents and teachers who worked really hard last Friday at our working bee. Fantastic effort by everyone in the gardens and the ladies (Dayna & Casey) in the staff room cooking sausages!
After School Activities
Our after school activities will formally begin in Week 4. Please log on to COMPASS to register your child/ren.
Activities for Term 2 include:
- Lego Creations
- Cake Decorating
- Netball
- Art
Feedback opportunities
This year we are working on developing our feedback processes. Feedback involves how teachers give feedback to students, teachers giving feedback to each other, teachers giving feedback to parents, Student giving feedback to their teachers and parents providing feedback to our school. There will be opportunities for everyone involved our school to participate in and share feedback. This week I will be inviting small groups of Year 5& 6 students to have lunch with me and to share their feedback. I look forward to sharing this feedback in our next newsletter.
Students in Year 3 & 5 will be completing the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assessments in Week 4. NAPLAN assesses student knowledge and skills in Writing, Reading, Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. The results of these assessments provide information for students, parents, teachers and principals which can be used to improve student achievement. Later in the year families will receive a personal NAPLAN report for their child.
All students are expected to participate in the NAPLAN assessments. During the test week, catch up tests will be available for individual students who are absent on test days.
NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students are already learning through the school curriculum. Teachers will ensure that students are familiar with the test formats and will provide appropriate support and guidance. Excessive preparation is not useful and can lead to unnecessary anxiety.
NAPLAN tests are constructed to give students an opportunity to demonstrate skills they have learned over time through the school curriculum, and NAPLAN test days should be treated as just another routine event on the school calendar. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to reassure them that NAPLAN tests are just one part of their school program, and to urge them to simply do the best they can on the day.
Please do contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Mothers' Day
This week will build with excitement leading to Mothers' Day activities on Friday at school. Students will have the opportunity to purchase a gift for their special 'mum' or mother figures in their lives at our P&F stall. Years P - 3 families are invited for a pamper afternoon in the BER building and at assembly we will draw our Mothers' Day raffle. Lots of fun to look forward to.
For those who are not able to share Mothers Day with their mum, wishing you happy memories and reflections.
Staying up to date
Be sure to read the 'Important Information for Parents' page to make sure you know what is going on at school. Information can be found in our newsletter, on COMPASS and on our school face book page - are you following us
Positive Affirmations
Ms King