Classroom News
Year Prep/1
Congratulations to everyone for making it through first term - it feels to us like it has flown by! We have all certainly worked hard and it explains why we are all so tired! Hopefully we can all recharge our batteries over the holidays ready for next term.
In Maths recently, we have been working on our numbers to 20 and beyond. Also, we have been looking at length, weight and capacity using informal measurements. Keep practising reciting the days of the week and months of the year.
In Literacy, we have introduced all of the letters of the alphabet and the sounds they make. We have had a real focus on orally finding rhyming words (many children are finding this difficult), sounding out 3 letter words (CVC – consonant, vowel, consonant – like c-a-t, d-o-g), making compound words, and clapping syllables or beats in words. We have been working on our handwriting too. Don’t forget to practise handwriting on the at home with the laminated sheets and whiteboard markers given out at the start of the year.
In Science, we have been looking at different weather events and how they affect our lives from what we wear to what we eat and what activities that we choose to do.
During Inquiry, we have been studying the brain and how to care for it so that it will work to maximum capacity. We have discussed how important sleep is, good nutrition and hydration gives us energy, and how the different parts of the brain work together. We have learnt about neurons and the thicker a neuron pathway is, the better you can do something, and that practising over and over is the key to learning new things. “Practise makes professional” or “Practise makes proficient”.
In Health, we have been studying different emotions and how to control uncomfortable emotions. We have discussed how you might think you feel ‘angry’ but maybe you are frustrated, annoyed or confused. Being able to name your emotions and why you are feeling them helps you to be able to self-soothe and self-regulate.
Natalie and Wendi
Year 1/2
In the last 3 weeks the grade 1/2s have been very busy learning about the day and night sky and the things we can see in it.
In Maths we have also been focusing on telling the time to o’clock and half past an hour. We have also been practising ordering numbers from smallest to largest.
Our Literacy time has seen us practicing our verbs, nouns and adjectives and learning about compound words. Students have enjoyed completing compound word activities on the interactive whiteboard. Students have also been learning about acrostic poems and have had the opportunity to write two of their own poems during class.
Our Inquiry unit wrapped up last week as we finished learning about how our brain learns best, how important sleep is and what happens to our brain while we sleep as well as what food and drinks we should have to make sure our brain works the best it can.
Miss Shaw
Year 2/3
Grade 2/3 have been working very hard all term and will certainly be looking forward to a welcomed break. We are presently doing our good copy of our poems for publication. We are now using the main idea of a picture or story to help us locate facts and details about the main Idea that tell: who, what, where, when and why. In Maths we have been making maps and giving directions. So time to pull out those maps on the holidays and have the children help to follow where you are going or give directions. We have also been looking at time; big focus on o’clock and half past and starting quarter past and quarter to; reading an analogue clock (one with a clock face). In science children were introduced to fair testing procedures where you change only one thing.
We enjoyed meeting and chatting with lots of parents at Parent teacher Interviews. Please remember to come and see us if you have questions for us or wish to further discuss anything regarding your child.
Mrs Massaro and Ms Coolidge
Year 3/4
The past few weeks, as always, have seen the Eagle’s super busy.
During our Numeracy blocks we have been consolidating our basic table facts and mastering the art of telling the time. Each student has been working diligently to improve their skills and understandings and should be commended for their hard word and persistence.
In Literacy we have been wrapping up our poetry unit and the kids have been working on their assessment item – a Patchwork of Poems. Keep an eye out for this one on Compass – there is much here to be proud of! Students have also been finalising their All About Me Speeches, which will conclude their My Story project and introduction to the Thinking Maps.
All the kids had a great time at our Athletics day carnival, and as the term winds up, I would like to congratulate each and every student for their amazing start to 2019.
Ms G
Year 4/5
We have been very busy in 4/5. Students have worked hard this term and are looking forward to a well-earned break.
Literacy: Students have continued working on recalling facts and details as they read and working out the man idea of a text. We have practiced this skill lots and students are getting good at identifying the who, where, when and why. Students have enjoyed visiting the library and spending time each day reading.
We have also started learning about different ways to spell different sounds including ay and ai, and oi and oy.
Numeracy: Students have learnt about finding the factors and prime numbers. We have reviewed telling the time, times tables, Australia money, timetables and decimals. Students have set themselves a timetable goal and have started to practice these.
Inquiry: Students enjoyed learning about the brain and how it works. They completed a tree map to reflect their learning. Students understand the importance of proper hydration, good quality food and the benefits of sleep.
Ms Jelbart