Calendar Dates
Every Tuesday & Thursday In May
Cross Country training from 8.20am
Friday 3rd May
Whole School Working Bee
Friday 10th May
Mothers Day Stall
Mothers Day Raffle Drawn
Monday 13th May
District Athletics
Friday 17th May
Open Day - bring a special friend
Monday 20th May
School Council
Monday 20th May
Parents and Friends Meeting
Wednesday 22nd May - Friday 24th May
Phillip Island CYC Camp
Year 3/4
Monday 27th May
Curriculum Day
Tuesday 28th May
Curriculum Day
Wednesday 29th May
Parents and Friends Hot Lunch
Thursday 6th June
District Cross Country
Friday 7th June
Lucky Jars Due for
Food & Wine Festival
Monday 8th June
Queen's Birthday
Thursday 13th June
Regional Cross Country
Friday 14th June
Lightening Premiership
Monday 17th June - Friday 21st June
Book Week
Wednesday 19th June
Book Week Parade
Monday 24th June
Parents & Friends Meeting
Wednesday 26th June
Indigenous Culture Day
Thursday 27th June
School Reports Come home
Friday 28th June
Last Day of Term 2