First Day Checklist

Preparing for the First Day
We aim to make the first day for students as easy as possible. For students enrolling during the school year, on your first day, you will be welcomed at Reception at 8.15am by our staff and taken to The Lighthouse for a full orientation day.
We encourage students and parents to attend orientations where students will have the opportunity to meet with their class teachers and/or Head of Year and be introduced to the other students in their class. Parents will be able to meet the teachers and have an opportunity to ask questions. The aim of these events is to help create a smooth and positive transition for students starting school.
Checklist for Parents/Carers
To prepare for your child's first day | |
✔ | Order books and stationery as per the published booklist. More information can be found here.
✔ | Order uniforms and school bags. More information can be found here. Remember to label everything. Don't forget the House T-Shirts!
✔ | Complete Online 1:1 Student Device Program Lease Agreement for Year 4s, Year 7s, Year 10s and new Year 5 and secondary students only. Links to the online lease document will be emailed to relevant parents before Term 1 commences. More information on our 1:1 Student Device Programme information can be found here. Devices will be distributed to students early in Term 1.
✔ | Complete Online Locker Use Agreement (Years 7-12 only). Secondary students are provided and assigned a locker. Parents and students are required to sign the Locker Use Agreement prior to commencing, so that a locker can be assigned on their first day. Please click here to access online form.
✔ | Update details on Consent2Go, including: - changes in address, mobile or email for parents/students. - Emergency contacts - these should be people other than parent/carer (limit of 3), and will be contacted in an emergency if a parent/carer is not contactable. - Custody arrangements and custody orders. - Student's current medical information. - Annual permissions, including Photograph Permissions To update details, please click here.
✔ | Download and activate the parent engagement apps: SEQTA Engage (all parents) as per the links that will be sent by email. If you have not received these links, please request a link by email: A how-to video guide can be found here. Primary Parents will also receive a SeeSaw activation code for the new class in the first week of school.
✔ | Apply for a SmartRider card if needed. Online order form can be accessed here.
✔ | If your child has medication that needs to be administered at school, please click here to complete the appropriate documentation.
✔ | Please let your child know that all electronic devices (such as mobile phones and smartwatches) must be locked away in students' lockers during the day. Mobile phones are not to be stored in student bags.
Primary students with phones must NOT use their phones before and after school. They must be in their bag out of sight before school, handed to their teacher at beginning of the day and retrieved at the end of the day. Any primary student seen with a phone on school grounds will have it taken and a parent will need to pick it up from student services.
No smartwatches are allowed.
✔ | Timetables will be made available for viewing on SEQTA Engage and Learn the day before school starts. Hardcopies will also be available for Secondary students on the first day. Please check your child's timetable on SEQTA to determine which day the sports uniform is required to be worn.
✔ | Learn how you can become involved in the school, such as volunteering opportunities, Parents and Friends, P&F Facebook page by contacting Mrs Linda Battersby by email: |
House System
The College has four houses (factions): Booth, Graham, Elliot and Carmichael.
Families are assigned a house upon enrolment and all children from the same family are assigned to the same house for the duration of their time at the College. Students accumulate points for their house during the year in many ways, including through participation in sporting events and the earning of EPS points.
The College Houses are as follows:
Booth [GOLD] Named after Catherine Booth who worked in the cold, dark and eerie streets of London. Her ministry was based around helping the poor and pointing them towards their inheritance, the streets of gold in heaven.
Carmichael [BLUE] Named after Amy Carmichael, a missionary who travelled the seas. She lived in India for many years and rescued hundreds of “at-risk” girls from abuse.
Staff are assigned a house. Families are assigned a house upon enrolment, and all children from the same family are assigned to the same house for the duration of their time at the College. Students accumulate points for their house during the year in many ways, including through participation in sporting events and earning EPS points.
Elliot [GREEN] Named after Jim Elliot’s ministry in the jungles of Ecuador where he gave his life for his faith.
Graham [RED] Named after Reverend Billy Graham who was one of the world’s greatest evangelists whose message was “you can be saved”.