Ordering / Uniform Shop / Uniform Guidelines
Ordering / Uniform Shop / Uniform Guidelines
All items of the College uniform, except shoes and tights, are available through the on-site Uniform Shop. For a more convenient way of purchasing your child’s uniform, order uniforms online via the Qkr! By Mastercard app for Apple or Android. Orders can be placed and paid for via this app and will usually be available for collection a week later from the Uniform Shop during normal opening hours.
Closed Public/School Holidays
2025 | Term Open Times
Mondays 1.00pm to 4.00pm
Tuesdays 8.30am to 10.30am
Wednesdays 8.30am to 10.30am
Thursday 8.30am to 10.30am
Orders can also be made online using the QKR! App
The TKC Buy and Sell Facebook page has been set up as a central point for families to buy and sell their secondhand uniforms and textbooks.
When travelling to and from the College, on school days, the correct College uniform (sports uniform on sports days) must always be worn with the students presenting clean, neat and tidy as per the College Uniform Policy.
Summer Uniform: Terms 1 and 4
Winter Uniform: Terms 2 and 3
Sun Safe | As we are a sun-safe school, the College reminds parents and carers that students must have a school hat and are expected to wear it whenever they are outside [primary students all year/secondary students Terms 1 and 4]. Due to the ‘no hat, no play’ rule, if students do not have a hat, they will be asked to sit in Student Services area for the duration of break times. The College also encourages the regular use of sunscreen and advises that large bottles are available at Student Services for student use.
Uniform Changes | Transition Period 2025-2026
After careful consideration and feedback from our community, we have updated the school uniform to better align with student comfort and needs, while still maintaining a high standard in appearance. What's Changing? Girls' Uniform: Starting from 2025, the Secondary Girls' Uniform will transition from the current dress to a tailored College shirt and College skirt. The Winter Uniform in Terms 2 and 3 will also include a College tie and navy stockings (compulsory) or the option of College ladies' grey pants instead of the skirt and tights.
Summer Uniforms Years 1 to 12 - Terms 1 and 4
Sports Uniform Years 1 to 12 - All Year (Kindergarten and Pre-Primary Uniform)
Winter Uniform Years 1 to 12 - Terms 2 and 3
Shoes and Socks
Uniform Accessories
College School Bag | College Sports Bag are the only bags to be brought to school from Pre-primary to Year 12, including offsite events and excursions.
Acceptable Accessories/Jewelry
For detailed information on uniform requirements, please refer to pages 44-50 of the Family Handbook. Some items of note:
Label All Items
Please ensure all school clothes, books and personal property are clearly labelled with your child's name. Many items are not returned to their rightful owners because they are not labelled correctly or clearly.
Please have your child check their classroom or the lost property box located at Student Services and outside the Uniform Shop. Items in the lost property box are discarded by the College at the end of each term.