Our Principal

Mr Kyle Baggaley

Welcome to The King's College for 2024!


As a College, we enter our 38th year and are seeing unprecedented growth; we start the year with around 800 students. I believe this is a direct reflection of the quality staff we have at The King’s College, all of whom have a passion to see students succeed and reach their full potential. 


 At The King's College, we encourage all students to work to the best of their ability and to reach their version of exceptional. We've fostered a safe and caring environment where students can learn free from distraction and discover their talents and creativity.


We believe each child is created by God and has great potential, and our staff are committed to providing a broad range of opportunities and helping students to find their unique gifts and passions.


While people often focus on the type of job they want when they are older, the equally important consideration is, "What sort of person do you want to be when you are older?" At The King's College, we strive to provide quality academic opportunities for our students and offer a strong pastoral care program to help students develop their character and become the person they want to be.


The King's College is a Christ-centred student-focused community. While some students may gain formal leadership roles, all students have influence and can use that influence to create positive change and lead new initiatives locally, nationally, and internationally.


Finally, we believe that the education and growth of a child is a partnership between the school and home. We invite parents to engage in open communication with the school as we seek to support our students through times of struggle and celebration. Our staff genuinely care for our students and want to help them work through challenges, develop resilience, and feel supported and affirmed on their academic journey.


Best wishes, and God bless


Kyle Baggaley
