Student Health

It is the parent's responsibility to ensure that they inform the College of any medical conditions their child may be experiencing.
Medical Conditions
Parents of children with medically diagnosed conditions, including anaphylaxis, asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, severe allergies, etc., are reminded they will need to provide the College with a current Medical Action Plan. These plans must be obtained from your medical practitioner and uploaded onto your child's profile on Consent2Go.
If your child has any short-term medications that need to be administered during school hours, please complete the following Administration of Medication Form. Long term administration of medication should be incorporated into a Health Care Plan.
Lifeline WA Counselling Services
Unfortunately, there are times and events in our lives that can be quite traumatic or stressful, and sometimes we need that extra source of support. Lifeline provides a free counselling service for families going through separation and those who are bereaved by a family member. Lifeline can provide up to 12 sessions from their office in Subiaco for primary school-age children, adolescents, and adults. Zoom and phone sessions are also available but only for adults. For more information, please click here or read the information below.