Concord Connect
Issue 15 · 11 Nov 2022
In this issue
Dates to Remember
Term 4
Principal's Report
Term 4, Concord Community Concert, Mobile Phone Policy, Principal Award - Kade Mckillop
Teaching and Learning
Term 4, World Teachers’ Day: Celebrating the amazing work of our educators, OT Week, Term 4 , SSG Meetings
Student Wellbeing
Term 4, What is Restorative Practice?, How are conflicts solved using Restorative Practices?, Restorative Language, World Kindness Day, SRC Minutes, SRC MEETING - AGENDA/MINUTES
Community & Communications
Concord School Café Opening Hours and Menu, Uniform Shop, Uniform Reminder: , Monash University Survey, Carers Social Group, Facebook, TheirCare - Before and After School Care, AUSKICK, Become A Teachers Aide, NDIS, Back Flips Against Bullying, EMC , DOC SOCCER ACADEMY, Jets, Stage School Australia, Online Training Courses
Published by Concord School