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St. Brendan's Primary School Newsletter
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St. Brendan's Primary School Newsletter
9th September 2021 - Term 3 - Issue 5
09 Sep 2021
In this issue
Prayer & Acknowledgment
SEASON OF CREATION, POPE FRANCIS' MESSAGE, ~ Care for our Common Home ~, Welcome to Country
A message from our Principal
Dear St. Brendan's School Community,, Remote Learning, Footy Colours Day
Catholic Identity
Practising an attitude, of Gratitude!
Wellbeing during Lockdown
MJR Spirit Awards
MJR Spirit Awards , Congratulations to the following students:
Parish Updates
Star of the Week
This week, we acknowledge that all of our students this week are 'Stars of the Week', as they have all been engaged in their Remote learning.
Virtual Athletics Carnival
Virtual Athletics Day , Virtual Announcement and Video of Winners, A great article and photos of our Virtual Athletics Day and positive publicity for our School Community in the Shepparton News on Wednesday, 8th September
Book Week Fun
Book Week Dress Up Fun during Home Learning
Book Club News
Issue 6 Book Club is Now Closed
ICAS Assessments
International Competitions and Assessments for Schools - ICAS, Closing Dates to Register your child: (NEW), Cost per Test:, Sitting date/s: (NEW)
Calendar of Events 2021
Calendar of Events 2021, Term 3 , Term 4
Administration Notices
Office Hours, Term Dates - 2021, St. Brendan's Primary School Website, Student Absences, Skoolbag App, Late to School, Sports Days - Sports Uniforms, Headlice Information, Medications at School, Keeping information up to date, School Fees , Direct Debit Payments, Bell Times, Camps, Sports and Excursions (CSEF) Eligibility Extended
Newsletter Archive
Prayer & Acknowledgment
SEASON OF CREATION, POPE FRANCIS' MESSAGE, ~ Care for our Common Home ~, Welcome to Country
Cover Page