Prayer & Acknowledgment


Last week, the whole school celebrated the beginning of a new Season with a prayer for Spring through the morning Google Meets. Many of the students shared items from their front or backyard relating to spring!


The students were reminded that from the 1st of September to October 4th, the Church acknowledges a special time called the SEASON OF CREATION. The students and all families are encouraged to pray and act together to protect our common home. 


As followers of Jesus, we share a common role with people all around our world.  We are caretakers of all God's creations.  We know that our wellbeing is interwoven with its wellbeing.  Therefore, just as God created our world, as a home for us all, it is then our job to take care of it.


The students in Middle Years this week have been learning how to write or sing PRAYERS OF PRAISE! This ties in nicely with thanking God for our Common Home. 




~ Care for our Common Home ~




Welcome to Country

This is my land. My land is alive. 

It calls you and it calls me. 

Our people have been living here since the first sunrise.  

I sing a song to her and she sings a song to me.

My spirit born of this country, 

I am Yorta Yorta.   

We pay our respects to the elders past and present and welcome you to our woka.  




Below Video

Tahnarlie Briggs and Lilah Weston stand proudly sharing their WELCOME TO COUNTRY.



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