Catholic Identity

Practising an attitude
of Gratitude!
During this time of isolation and lockdown, I started a gratitude journal. The journal was tiny, fit in my pocket or handbag, and I took it with me where ever I went-which was not too far and mostly at home. None the less throughout the day, I would take a few seconds to jot down little things I was grateful for, with the aim of getting to 1,000 by the end of lockdown! It was such a simple practice, but it started to make such a big impact on my wellbeing during this time of uncertainty.
These little notes became little prayers to God throughout the day, each one expressing thankfulness for the many blessings he was showering on me. All this helped me pause and praise God.
Across the school the students have also been focusing on a PRAYER UNIT for Religious Education and MJR. So it made sense to practice what I preach!
For students and families, I asked you all to try it out and write prayers of thanks for anything and try to slow down a little. (This is something I know we have all had to do during this lockdown period!) Keep your eyes open. Look around you, look up, look into the eyes of your family members, look at the grass growing or the flowers blooming. Take time to notice and appreciate the beauty of the world around you, and take a few extra minutes to write it all down. You’ll be surprised how gratitude can change your whole perspective on life and give you reason upon reason to praise the Creator of it all.