Classroom Communication

Classroom Communication.

We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we learn and pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging.

Issue 5 · 07 May 2024

In this issue

Year 1-2 Welcome , Upcoming Events, Curriculum , ANZAC DAY, Literacy, Mathematics, Religion, Inquiry - Geography, Cross Country, Winter uniform, Upcoming Events
            Year 3-4 Wawa, Wumindjika Welcome to Week 4, Upcoming activities, The Resilience Project, Literacy, Writing, Reading, Spelling, Home Reading Program, Numeracy, Mathemagicians Sessions, Japanese Drumming, Inquiry, Anzac Day, Congratulations, Charli , Uniform Reminders (part of our school rules!), Football
Year 5-6 Check out what we have been up to lately!, Religion:, Literacy:, Numeracy, Mathemagicians!, Cake Raffle Volunteers, The Resilience Project., Cross Country, Japanese Drumming Incursion, School Uniform, Water and Hats, Weekly Timetable
Physical Education
Visual Arts
Mental Health &Wellbeing @ St. Johns REGIONAL PARENTING PROGRAMS - FAMILYCARE, WELCOME TO THE RESILIENCE PROJECT, ABOUT THE PROGRAM -, In this video, Justin Coulson talks about what it's like for a child with ADHD. Justin and his wife Kylie have six children, one of whom has ADHD.
Cybersafety Parent Resources Start with Curiosity, Not Judgment, Share the Appeal and the Realities, Discuss the Importance of Research, Teach Them to Spot Red Flags, Teach the Value of Privacy, Create an Atmosphere of Open Communication, Lead by Example
Uniform News, Second Hand Uniform
Calendar May 🌼, June ❄, July 
Office Information Lunch orders, Updating Details, Student Absences, Office Hours, School Bank Account Details - School Fees, Medications at School, CSEF - Camps, Sports, Exursion Fund, Conveyance Allowance
Up coming Events