Year 1-2
Our Specialist Timetable
Tuesday - Art
Thursday - Japanese, STEM and Physical Education
Friday - Bluearth - My Future Academy alternates with Assembly
Upcoming Events
Friday May 10th - Mother's Day afternoon tea and pampering
Monday May 13th - Ditto's Keep Safe Adventure Program
Over the past few weeks have revisited what it means to be grateful. Please find below an activity you can do at home to support your child.
Moving forwards, we are building a repertoire of reasons why it is important to encourage others, are identifying ways to do so.
On Wednesday the 24th of April, Foundation - Year 2 students engaged in ANZAC Day celebrations. Throughout the morning students rotated through a variety of activities. We read the stories: ANZAC Ted and The ANZAC Billy, listened to information about the history of ANZAC day and completed a variety of activities. Making ANZAC cookies with Mrs Redfern was definitely a favourite!
This term we are investigating narrative writing. This includes personal recounts and fairy tales. We have explored the literary features of a narrative such as the characters, setting, problem and solutions and the importance of events in order.
We have commenced a 'Place Value' Unit of work. The students have been working hard to prove which number is bigger, or smaller using the terms, hundreds, tens and units. Did you know that the value of a digit changes depending upon where it is in a number?
Mathemagicians Day!
On Thursday 2nd May the Mathemagicians worked with Chris Buhler in the Mercy Centre where they created and designed mathematical challenges.
The year 1 and 2 students explored and trialled writing instructional algorithms. Through trial and error, students discovered the importance of accuracy and orientation. Lots of laughter and learning occurred during the process. Guiding a partner through the chess board in the playground from A to B was harder than expected! But was certainly put to good use when creating algorithms and testing with Bee Bots!
Our Easter Unit has concluded. We reflected upon Jesus walking with his disciples upon his resurrection. We made iMovies to depict the story of The Road to Emmaus.
Mrs Frewen visited us and shared the Godly play, The Parable of the Ten Lepers. A Godly play is a solemn time when we listen to scripture and the story is acted out using characters and setting props. At the end of the play we shared our wonderings...
Why did only one leper say thank-you?
How did the lepers feel when they were cured?
Why were the lepers told to live away from the village?
What did Jesus do next?
Inquiry - Geography
We commenced the term learning about natural, built and managed resources. With an indigenous lens, we linked dreaming stories to the looking after the environment. We made maps and discussed how we can look after playgrounds and forests. Moving forwards will will be investigating how are spaces are allocated for specific uses, such as the classroom.
Cross Country
It was a beautiful afternoon last Friday when we completed cross country. Thanks Mrs Watson for all of our training.
On your marks, get set, go...
Winter uniform
As the weather gets cooler, all students are expected to wear their winter uniform. Students are encouraged to arrive at school in a school jumper. School coats are most welcome. It is warm inside the classroom, yet cold outside, especially before school commences. To help us to return all coats and jumpers to the correct owner, please ensure all removable clothing items are labelled with your child's name.
Upcoming Events
10th May - Mothers Day Pampering
13th May - Ditto's Keep Safe Adventure Program
17th May - Year 1/2 Mass 12.30pm St John's Church
21st May - National Simultaneous Storytime - Bowerbird Blues by Aura Parker
31st May - Dinosaur incursion by the Melbourne Museum
31st May - 1/2K Assembly in the Mercy Centre
14th June - 1/2R Assembly in the Mercy Centre
Until next time,
Katherine, Karen, Fiona, Dee and Lisa