Check out what we have been up to lately!
Our RE units this term:
Our Risen: We reflect on the resurrection and look at it through the eyes of the disciples as the first witnesses.
First Australian Catholics: We'll explore the development of catholicism and the lives of the men and women who were inspirational in carrying on the message of Jesus into the early Australian Church.
Pentecost: We will explore the liturgical celebration of Pentecost as the coming of the Holy Spirit and we will develop an understanding of the symbols of Pentecost.
We have begun the term by looking at information texts. We have written our own texts based on a mentor text on Australian Emblems. We have also begun work on a variety of personal topics.
In reading, we have introduced our readers workshop. This begins with a whole class session, then we break into an independent practice followed by our 'authentic' reading times. Each student has several novels some chosen by themselves, others by the teacher or from reading groups.
At home it would be fantastic to encourage you child to read for 15-20 minutes by themselves to help boost their reading stamina time.
We have been learning all about ordering, naming and comparing decimals.
Check out this website below, it has some awesome games that you may wish to teach at home.
On Thursday 2nd May the Mathemagicians worked with Chris Buhler in the Mercy Centre where they created and designed mathematical challenges.
The year 3 to 6 students practised being self-directed, cooperative and resilient learners. Instead of solving mathematical problems, students investigated ‘how to’ create problems. They needed to investigate the requirements, structure and components of ESTI Mysteries. ( Students used their understanding of numbers to create their own. Congratulations to all students who persisted and created a finished product. We ran out of time to complete the second task. Something for next time!
Cake Raffle Volunteers
We would love students/parents/grandparents to be a part of our cake making team. Every assembly, we draw a raffle for a cake/slice/biscuits and children love being a part of the
competition. If you would be interested in contributing, could you please send us an email and we can add you to a roster.
The Resilience Project.
Working on gratitude helps us to be thankful and appreciate what we have in our lives, rather than focusing on what we don’t have or what we want. When we practise being grateful, we start to scan the world to look for positives – this only takes 21 days! Practising gratitude every day increases our levels of energy, and helps us to feel happier and more focused, determined and optimistic. It even helps us have better sleep, lowers levels of anxiety and depression and we are less likely to get sick. So many benefits – let’s all try to be grateful for the things and people in our lives every day!
Cross Country
Check out some of the action shots from Friday's Cross Country.
Japanese Drumming Incursion
Our drumming incursion was a big hit, with all students refining their timing and techniques to become a Taiko Drummer!
School Uniform, Water and Hats
Just a reminder about our school uniform policy.
- The expectation is that ALL students have their own hat at school with their name on it.
- Students need to wear green socks and black shoes when we do not have PE or Bluearth.
- Earrings need to be studs or sleepers.
- No nail polish or necklaces.
- White socks and runners on PE and Bluearth days.
- Hair that reaches the collar needs to be tied back.
- Only water is to bought to school.
If this is unable to be achieved on a particular day, please write a note or email to your child's classroom teacher.
Weekly Timetable
Monday: Art
Wednesday: Japanese (5/6M), STEM (5/6F)
Thursday: PE (Both classes), STEM (5/6M), Japanese (5/6F).
Friday: Bluearth (Even weeks) Assembly (Odd weeks)
Each week we have specialist subjects. On Bluearth and PE days, students can wear their PE uniform.
Lou, Linc, Thom, Kerry and Lisa.