OLA Newsletter

All students attending Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Primary School have the right to feel safe and be safe. The highest possible standard of care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school community.

Issue 6 · 10 May 2024

In this issue

Principal's Message Dear OLA Families,, Working Bee, House Team Athletics Day, Exciting Google Visit, Katalyst Foundation - Donations from OLA, Introducing our ACU Student Teacher, 2025 Prep Enrolments, Parish Amalgamation, OLA FETE - 23 November 2024 , Shade Sail, Sickness, Calendar, Congratulations, Sending Best Wishes from OS, Thank you
Education in Faith Junior Class Prayer Services, Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal
Learning & Teaching Lourdes (Red Team) takes out the OLA Athletics Carnival!, 5/6 MG proud of their Anzac Day Art Pieces, Walk Safely to School Day, Excellence at OLA, iSea iCare Ambassadors, District Cross Country
Wellbeing Raising Kids in a Digital World, Healthy Families Webinar Series - Session 1, Lunch Clubs, Georgina Manning Calming Strategies, Smart Talking Speech Pathology, The Social Domain Speech Pathology
FIRE Carriers 2024 FIRE Carriers
From the Office Phones and Smart Watches, From the Office, Car Park, Key enrolment dates for Grade 5 students in 2024 starting Year 7 in 2026 : , Attendance and school start/finish times, Being Safe Online, Security of OLA grounds and buildings, School Routine Reminders
Parents & Friends
OLA Fete 2024
Parish News OLA Parish Bulletin, Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, St Agnes Parish
Clubs at OLA Before/After School Opportunities, OSHC - TheirCare, Instrumental Music Program, STEM Monsters, Strike Soccer After School, Lunchtime Club Opportunities, Computer Club
Community News Local Secondary Schools, Local Community Events/Clubs
Uniform Bob Stewart Mentone, OLA Second Hand Uniform Shop 
Staff Contact Details
Key Dates & Events Calendar