OLA Fete 2024

Co-Chairs: Claire Melican & Mel Power

Fete Newsletter 6




Hello Everyone 


First up, a huge thank you to all of those involved in the organisation of the fete who came to our meeting on Monday. It was an amazing turn out and we covered off a lot of the planning and questions. This year is looking like it’s going to be a very successful event indeed. 

In terms of meetings from now and til the main event, please put these dates in your diary!


Committee Dates: 

Core Committee       17th June – 7pm Venue TBC 

Full Committee          25th July(Thur) 7pm @ school 

Core Committee        19th Aug – 8pm @ school 

Full Committee            9th Sept – 7pm @ school 

Core Committee        28thOct 8pm @ school 

Full Committee           11th Nov 7pm @ school

Full Committee           21st Nov 7pm @ school


Monthly Donations

So that we can spread out the call for donations, we will have a ‘fete event’ per month in the lead up to the big day. Here is how the rest of the year is shaping up!

June – Gold Coin 

July – P&F Winter Mixer 

Aug - Lucky Bottles 

Sept – Spinning Wheel/Gold Coin/Father’s Day 

Oct – Chocolate blocks 

Nov – Cakes


Other Donations: 

We are also making a call out for donations for our raffle, silent auction, pre loved toys & books, and jams & preserves. Please bring all good quality donations to reception, or get in contact with us at fete@olacheltenham.catholic.edu.au to arrange for drop off. 


Enjoy your weekends, and thank you so much for your support.


Claire & Mel 

Fete Co-Chairs 



Our Core Fete Committee for 2024:


School & Parish

Richard Jacques

Josy Reeder

Fr Alan Fox

Vino Krishnan



Melanie Power and Claire Melican – Fete Co-Chairs

Claudelle Salter - Secretary

Maureen Ryan - Finance

Will Power - Logistics

Louisa Pich - Graphic Design

Adam Solomon – Entertainment and AV Logistics

Social Media - Libby Fredrick & Kyan Williamson

Antonella Taranto & Liz Dawson - Sponsorships


Stall Holders

Cathal & Alysha Crawford - Plants & Gardening

Travis Derricott - Rides and Wristbands

Libby Fredrick & Ky Williamson - Second Hand Clothes

Jo Raymant & Lucy Etienne - Snow Cones

Elizabeth & Clifford Maillard - Soft Drinks

Josy Reeder - Spinning Wheel

Gab Perotti & Jayde Considine - Pre loved toys & games

Steph & Sam May and Ranay Moore - Secondhand Books

Jo Malioris - Silent Auction

Ally Warden & Fiona Philip - Bar

Farasai Ruzvidzo - Cake Decorating / Lollies

Kara Bogicevic - Cake Stall & Jams / Preserves

Jacinta Thornton - Catering

Linda Rumsey - Choc-o-block

Olivia & Pat Moran - Devonshire tea

Georgia North - Facepainting

Melissa Moore - HQ

Lauren Koukoumanos & Linda Videkanic - Lucky Bottles

Elena Ricciuti - Lucky Dip

Eli Dunlevie - Marketplace

Susan Wixted & Rachel Leahy – Showbags