Caulfield Junior College Newsletter
Honesty, Empathy, Respect, Optimism.
Issue 9 · 31 Mar 2023
In this issue
Premiere Lighteningship
From the School Leadership Team /L'équipe de directio
Classroom connections
What's happening in the visual arts room?, Preps, Grade 1 and 2, Grade 3 and 4, Grade 5 and 6
Parent's voice
CJC Garage sale report, Friday treat, Term 2 Parent’s Committee Events: , Our next Working Bee will be:
Open morning for Prep parents and Easter Scavenger Hunt !
Sustainability News
Marine, It’s raffle time!, Soft plastic and bread closures
Young leaders
Halogen Young Leaders Conference
Wellbeing news
Behavioural Strategies at CJ, Safety and wellbeing of our students, Bullying vs one-off incidents
Calendar of Events
Our school is buzzing with activities! To help you keep track of all that is happening, please find attached our calendar of events for March and April 2023., Il y a tellement d'activités à l'école ! Pour vous aider à planifier, voici notre tout nouveau calendrier des évènements pour mars et avril 2023.
Dymocks writing Competition
Extracurricular activities and Community notices
TeamKids - What's happening?, Team Kid's Autumn Holiday Program is out!, lliance Française's French Film Festival is officially launched, until 5 April / Le Festival du Film Français est lancé, jusqu'au 5 avril ! , Net Set Go - Netball club, Renown Kindergarten places available , Hebrew program - Before school extracurricular, French Loop Improvisation, Groove and Graze
Published by Caulfield Junior College