Classroom connections
What's happening in the visual arts room?
This Term Preps have been exploring painting and drawing in Art. They have been learning about line, shape and colour and making a variety of works by applying these elements of art. Students have also learnt about artist Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky to inspire these projects.
Grade 1 and 2
Students in Grade 1 and 2 have been studying Claude Monet’s Haystack paintings that depict different times of day. Students explored painting with colour to show light, time and weather to create mood in a landscape. They were then encouraged to add a building into their work to connect with the mood of the sky they had painted.
Grade 3 and 4
This term students have been using digital technology in art to create a poster that can have a positive impact on their fellow students. They studied graphic artist Lisa Congdon for inspiration and used Apps such as Autodraw, Canva and Paint 3D to explore digital paint tools. This project was a part of their Inquiry unit “How Can I make a difference?”.
Grade 5 and 6
Students in Year 5/6 have been exploring the concept of self through portraiture. They applied painting drawing and collage techniques to make a self-portrait from photographs.