St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Bulli

'Truth and Light'

TERM 3 WEEK 10 · 21 Sep 2023

In this issue

  Principals Page Dear Parents and Carers, Principal Awards - TOMORROW, Friday 22 September 2023, End of Term Awards - TOMORROW, Friday 22 September 2023, Acknowledgement to Country
 SJB Spring Fair Wrap Up
Our Catholic Identity First Holy Communion, Sacrament of Confirmation, Christmas Story Art Competition, Catholic Mission , St Francis of Assisi Liturgy : Wednesday 11 October at 9:30am , Sacramental Parent Prayer Evening - Year 2, Cursillo Weekend 2023, Bishop's Annual Appeal 2023, St Joseph’s Bulli Mass times, Quick Quiz! , St Christopher- The Patron Saint of Travel
School News St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Handbook, PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning), Happy Birthday, ICAS - Digital Technologies, Ambulance Appreciation Day, Kinder PDHPE, Lunch Time Activities Term 4 - CLOSES TOMORROW, Pupil Free Days Term 4, Library News, TERM 4 Library Days, SJB Book Fair is coming., Sports News, Basketball Gala Day - 14 & 15 September, MacKillop Athletics Championships , NSWPSSA Netball Championships, Canteen, Catholic Care, OOSH, Out of School Hours care at St Joseph's , Community Notices
Family Matters Happy Families , Catholic Family Camping Weekend (27-29 October 2023), Growing Good Men: Father and Teenage Son Weekend Experience
Dates to Remember 2023 Dates, September 2023, October 2023, November 2023, December 2023, 2024 Start Dates
Parents & Friends A note from the SJB P&F President, Fathers Day Stall, Speaking of social events, Do you have P&F business?, SJB Entertainment  Book, Lawn Mowing Roster for September/October

Published by St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Bulli