Our Catholic Identity

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to the 18 students who received their First Holy Communion on Sunday. We hope and pray that they continue their journey of faith and receive Holy Communion many, many more times throughout their time at Primary School and beyond. Students were praised for their reverence and articulating the Word of God. We thank the Year 3 teachers and parents for preparing the students so well for this significant day in their lives. 


On Sunday evening Mass, Father Patrick spoke about the life-long commitment that the Eucharist has. We are all encouraged to receive the Eucharist as often as possible. This morning, the students and staff joined with Fr Patrick to celebrate this special occasion with a cake. We thank Fr Patrick for his involvement and for supporting the students in their journey of faith.

Sacrament of Confirmation

Congratulations to Cian Chaston in Yr 6 who made the Sacrament of Confirmation last Wednesday 13 September with Bishop Brian in the Holy Cross Helensburgh Parish. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide him on his Faith journey.








Christmas Story Art Competition

The Christmas Story Art Competition is in its final stages of judging, and on Wednesday October 11, Wollongong Art Gallery will host the opening night of what promises to be an exciting and thought provoking exhibition. 


Below is a reflection from two out of the 6 students selected. 


My artwork illustrates the scripture passage ‘The Visit Of The Magi’ Matthew 2:9-12. In my artwork I used watercolour paint to create a tie-dye background because I like how the colours stand out, just like when the star stood out for the wise men. For Mary, Joseph, Jesus and the three wise men, I made them silhouettes adding detail with white pencil. I also used gold flakes for my stars to make them bright and eye-catching, leading the way for the wise men. The passage I have illustrated reminds me of when I visit my family on Christmas Day. By spending quality time with my family, I try to be their gift of love and happiness just like how Jesus is a gift to the world. I made the watercolour paint drip so it looked like a sunset because I love sunsets and enjoy watching them form into a night sky and stars with my family. The mediums I chose were acrylic paint, watercolour pencils, black markers, gold flake, white pencils and Posca pens. 

Zarlie- Year 5



My artwork is titled ‘Jesus, the gift that shines.’ It reflects the scripture passage ‘The visit of the Magi’ Mathew 2:9-12. I chose this passage because of the importance of the star and how special it was for the Magi, like it is to my artwork. The mediums I used were acrylic paint, oil pastels and chalk pastels. I created texture with acrylic paint to make a more 3D and lifelike effect. I lightly blended the oil pastels underneath the star to show Jesus’ light shining for all. I made the background look like the Northern Lights by blending chalk pastels to look like the sky when Jesus was born. Jesus remains faceless because, to me, he is the face of the world and the face of everyone in it. I too was a special gift to my parents when I was born and I became a special part of their lives, like Jesus is a special part of all our lives. 

Charlotte- Year 6. 

Catholic Mission 


Last Wednesday13 September Mrs Smith and the School Captains attended the 2023 Catholic Mission Launch at Holy Spirit College. The Theme for Catholic Mission Month is ‘Hearts on Fire - Feet on the Move’. 


Next term students will learn about issues of mission and justice. Students will be empowered to contribute to God’s mission in the world by supporting the work of ‘Catholic Mission’ through prayer, advocacy, and action, including fundraising. During Catholic Mission Month (October) SJB school community will work together to Sockit to Poverty. 

St Francis of Assisi Liturgy : Wednesday 11 October at 9:30am 

To celebrate the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, we are joining together as a Catholic School Community on Wednesday October 11 at 9:30 am in the church. Parents, Parishioners and family members are most welcome to attend. Attending Liturgies, Masses and Assemblies are small ways in which we can continue building positive parent partnerships and support students in their ongoing faith development. 


Sacramental Parent Prayer Evening - Year 2

Fr Patrick has invited ALL Year 2 parents whose child/ren are making the Sacrament of First Reconciliation 2023/First Holy Communion 2024 in the Bulli Parish to attend a Parent Prayer Evening in the Church on Wednesday 1 November at 6pm.


This is for parents/carers only (not children). On this evening enrolment forms will be handed out.   Note:  Please be aware that a copy of Baptismal Certificates are required with enrolment form.


Sacrament of First Reconciliation (Year 2) Date Change

Term 4 Week 6 - Thursday 16 November at 9:45 am in the church

Cursillo Weekend 2023

Cursillo in our Diocese is offering an opportunity for women over 18 years to experience Cursillo by joining a 3-Day Weekend at Carmel House, Varroville in October this year. 


It is a great opportunity to refresh and learn more about our Catholic faith.  


Bishop's Annual Appeal 2023

Please find information below about the Bishop's Annual Appeal 2023, supporting the retirement and health of clergy, as well as fostering the sound and holistic formation of seminarians.

St Joseph’s Bulli Mass times

We are so blessed to have a church so closely connected with our school. Please see below this week’s Mass times.


Sunday: 8:30 am 

Sunday: 5:30 pm

Quick Quiz! 

The Gospel is read by the Priest. Following the Gospel, the Priest says, “The Gospel of the Lord.” Our response is…. 


The first reading is often taken from the Old Testament, after the first reading our response to, “The word of the Lord” is… Thanks be to God. 


St. Francis of Assisi is the patron Saint of? Animals and Ecology. 


St Christopher- The Patron Saint of Travel

We pray to St Christopher, the patron saint of travel that all of our St Joseph’s community have a safe holiday. Whether traveling far or staying in your own neighbourhood, we pray the following prayer together.


Dear Saint Christopher, 

protect us today in all our travels along the road's way. 

Give your warning sign if danger is near,

So that We may stop while the path is clear. 

Be at our window and direct us through

When the vision blurs from out of the blue. 

Carry us safely to our destined place, 

Like you carried Christ in your close embrace. 





Mr Alexander Walker 

Acting Religious Education Coordinator