St. Cecilia's Newsletter

Faith   Acceptance   Compassion   Excellence

Issue 5 · 26 Apr 2024

In this issue

Upcoming Dates 2024 , Term 2, Term 3, Term 4
Principal's Report 2025 Enrolment Process, Grade 4 Camp, Parents Association Upcoming Dates, Baptism, Important Dates for our Sacramental Years, ANZAC Day, Staff Professional Development Day - Friday 26th April, Parent Digital Safety Seminar, School Disco  - Change of Date: Friday May 24, STEAM Room and Library Update, School Uniform Updates
Education in Faith News Baptism, Important dates for our Sacramental Years, First Reconciliation Family Evening
Wellbeing News - The Resilience Project News                           Managing Big Feelings Webinar Follow Up
Library returns...
Mathematics News
Physical Education & Sport News                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Celebrating Success at the House Cross Country Event!
Gardening News
Parent's Association 2024 P.A MEETINGS, Term 1 PA Meeting, 2024 Class Representatives
What's Been Happening? Reflections & Images from Year 4 SOVEREIGN HILL
St Cecilia's Fair 2024  HELP WANTED!
Medical Updates
Student of the Week Awards Term 1 Week 2, Term 1 Week 3, Term 1 Week 4, Term 1 Week 5, Term 1 Week 6, Term 1 Week 7, Term 1 Week 8
Staff contact details
Contact Us School Details , PARISH PRIEST, Email Contacts, School Hours
Meet the Team Principal and Deputy, Leadership Team, Religious Education Leader, Literacy Leaders, Numeracy Leader, Foundation Team, Year 1 Team, Year 2 Team, Year 3 Team, Year 4 Team, Year 5/6 Team, Learning Support Officers (LSO's), Gifted and Talented Leader, Art Teacher, Music Teacher, PE Teacher, Language (French)Teacher, Library Leader, Student Wellbeing Leader, Child Safety Team, Office Team, Digital Technology Leader, Parents Association Coordinators, Canteen Coordinators, Uniform Shop Coordinators, OSHC Leader - Camp Australia, School Advisory Council
Physical Education & Sport News Celebrating Success at the House Cross Country Event!

Published by St Cecilia's Primary School