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Reflections & Images from Year 4 SOVEREIGN HILL
Year 4 camp reflections
Surprisingly, my camp highlight was the night walk, billy tea and damper.
When we started the night walk, I was really excited and a little nervous because I couldn’t see very well. (It was alright because I had a torch.) As we were walking, I saw a kangaroo. We went through the sheep paddock and one of the sheep was called Sean. I got to see the stars in the sky for the first time. After the night walk, we did damper and we cooked it on a fire. After I did the damper we had we had Billy tea. It was refreshing.
Katerina: 4C
I was thinking about the giant swing the whole way to camp. When we finally arrived at camp, I saw the giant swing. It was a lot taller than I imagined. It was a little nerve racking just looking at how tall it was. I realized that if I didn't do it, I might not get another chance. When it was my turn, I got pulled to the top. I pulled the white rope (the release cord) and … nothing happened. I did it again and ‘AHH’ I screamed as I flew through the air. My advice to everyone going on camp is to have a go at things even if you are scared.
Lenny: 4C
My camp highlight was visiting Sovereign Hill. I learned about the miners in the gold fields. First was our education lesson. We learned some people went across the ocean just to mine gold.
I enjoyed gold panning. I didn’t find any but it was fun. Did you know some aboriginal people were on the goldfields and Chinese people as well as miners. Back in the day, boys didn't wear underwear and girls had long underwear/pants.
Millie: 4C
The best thing about camp was crate stacking. I was so excited to go up, but then I got disappointed that not everyone got to be the climber. I realized that you needed to help your team, then do the things you want to do. We decided that the lightest person should go up and the tallest people could pass the crates. In the end, I was in the pull team. I was still a little bit frustrated but we all had fun. My advice on camp is JUST DO IT.
Oliver V: 4C
As I started to get hooked up into the harness I began to feel a little bit nervous because I was about to be lifted 18 metres high in the air and then get dropped down and swung on the giant swing. As soon as I reached the maximum height I got the green light to yank the white rope. I did and was swung down,the first two swings were scary but after that it was so crazy and fun. I let go and put my hands on my head in a relaxing position and hi-fived the instructor Will. He slowed me down and got me unhooked. After that I felt a lot more fearless because I had a fear of heights and now I don’t.
Harry: 4L
I thought I would die today, all because I didn't trust myself or the camp for that matter. I don't know why because of course it was all safe, but when you were underneath that massive ‘clip and climb’ thing… It was hard not being scared .After a quick run through and safety check I was good to go. Once I got up there and tried the ladder a few times, all my fears faded. I quickly moved on to harder ones, like the chains, once I got onto a really hard one I fell a couple of times. I found it really frustrating that my rope kept getting stuck and the fears slowly crept back in. It wasn't as fun as I expected, but I still had lots of fun. After my turn, the other half of our group got to go, I climbed to the top of a pole. Mr Mooney taught us this game called Tower of Misery or something. Which is not as bad as it sounds!
Mae: 4L
As I got hooked up to the Giant Swing I was shivering and shaking and I was very nervous. When everyone was pulling me up I went higher and higher to the very top and I was very scared. When I heard that I had to pull a string and then I would have to drop!
So I pulled the string and I dropped down to the group. I thought I would have a panic attack.
When I came down I could not feel my legs then I was on the pulling team to pull the next person up and I was surprised that I did not scream. I had a really fun time on the Giant Swing with all my friends and I did not expect it to be this good. It was a bit better than last year's camp because there were more things to do.I loved this year's school camp.
Stella S: 4L