Library returns...
St Cecilia's school Library will re-open shortly following the completion of our STEAM room
Library returns...
St Cecilia's school Library will re-open shortly following the completion of our STEAM room
We are so excited that our much enjoyed Library will shortly be open again following its necessary closure in term 1due to the construction of our STEAM room.
Although class teachers have been able to borrow books for their class collections, students have not been able to use the library since the start of last term.
In addition to re-opening, our Library area has also had a refresh, with new carpet being laid and new shelving being brought in to accommodate and re-orientate our book collection.
Take a look at how the library looked during the renovations and how it looks now! A special thanks to Mrs Teresa Galgani for her tireless work in re-sorting our book collection into this space. It now looks beautiful, organised and inviting!
A final piece of Library news...
We are expecting delivery of a series of books written by last year's Book Week guest author, Tim Harris. Tim's visit was both informative and enjoyable, and we hope that having a collection of his titles will be a popular addition to our library collection.