St. Patrick's Mentone - Newsletter

Christus in Corde Omnium - Christ in the heart of all

Issue 22 · 08 Aug 2024

In this issue

School Dates 2024 Term Dates, 2025 Term Dates
Principal's Report P & F Casino Night, Sex Education & Protective Behaviours, House Banners, Italian Day, Maths Day, P & F Colour Run Day, Sports activities during the Olympics, School Calendar
Deputy Principal's Report Random Acts of Kindness, Week 4, Illness, Seasons for Growth , Bounceback! Resilience Program
Religious Education Important R.E. Dates for Term 3, Upcoming Feast Days, Gospel
Performing Arts / Production N St Patrick’s 2024 School Production, Key Updates:
PE News
Cyber Safety Roblox Game Review 
Literacy News
Parents and Friends Association Upcoming Community Events, P & F - Constitution
The Healthy Hut Canteen Update
St Patrick's Before & After School Care Children have been super busy this week with a fun filled program. Children enjoyed a great sensory experience of clay this week, they love to squish it, punch it, roll it and press it. It develops a child’s hand and eye coordination, improves motor skills and sparks creativity. , Mini olympics activities were a fun filled activity this week, with the spring weather coming early children enjoyed being outside in the sun. We had egg and spoon races, hooky, running races and distance throwing, Cooking with Christabel on Wednesday afternoon we made muesli bar treats. Children learn life long everyday skills of cooking and engage with others, they also learn to take turns. , Dream catchers and bracelet making, children gathered stick’s from the creek bed then threaded  and twisted pipe cleaners and feathers onto their  creations. These were fantastic !!! , Enrolment Information 
Community Information Music Lessons at St Patricks, Taekwondo Lessons at St. Patrick's
Parish Bulletin

Published by St. Patrick's School