Religious Education

Important R.E. Dates for Term 3

Wednesday August 7th: Reconciliation available for Grade 4 during school 

Thursday August 8th: Reconciliation available for Grade 4 during school 

Tuesday August 13th 8.45am-3.15pm: Confirmation Retreat Day

Thursday August 15th @ 9:15am: Feast of the Assumption Mass

Tuesday August 20th: Reconciliation available for Grade 6 during school

Thursday August 22nd: Reconciliation available for Grade 6 during school

Tuesday August 20th @ 3.30 - 4.30pm: Confirmation Family Faith Sharing Afternoon

Wednesday August 21st: Bishop Ireland visits Confirmation students during school time

Tuesday August 27th @ 9:15am: Father’s Day Mass

Friday August 30th @ 5pm: Sacrament of Confirmation Mass


Upcoming Feast Days

Thursday August 8th: St Mary of the Cross MacKillop 

(Australia's First Saint)

Friday August 9th: St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

Saturday August 10th: St Lawrence

Monday August 12th: St Jane Frances de Chantal

Tuesday August 13th: Sts Pontian and Hippolytus

Wednesday August 14th: St Maximilian Kolbe

Thursday August 15th: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Solemnity)


John 6:41-51

Jesus responds to the murmurs of the crowd, who wonders what he means when he says that he came down from heaven.


Unpacking the Scriptures

Last week in the Gospel of John, the crowd asked for a sign that would show that Jesus came from God. Jesus replied by saying that he is the sign and the bread of life sent by God. This week we read how the Jews complain about Jesus’ response. They knew his family, and they knew he was the son of Joseph - to them he was just another ordinary man! They couldn’t understand what he meant when he said he came down from heaven and how was he bread?


We look to the Old Testament stories of Exodus when God fed the Jews with bread from heaven that helped save them from hunger in the desert. Jesus offers us eternal life with bread, made of his own body, given up for the whole world to save us from our sins. Jesus promises that those who respond to him with faith will find eternal life. We must feed not only on the word of God through our reading and prayer but feed on Jesus himself when we go to mass and give thanks for his body given up for us, leading us to eternal life.


Family Connection

As you gather as a family, discuss how the Eucharist leads us to live as children of God, confident that we will one day share the fullness of life with him in heaven. This hope can transform the way we live our daily lives, calling us to be people of hope and expectation. Observe that Jesus taught us that those who listen to God  - a God of mercy and compassion, which is what we strive to be to one another in our family and relationships.



Gather together, light a candle and acknowledge that you are in the presence of God in a moment of silence. Read the Gospel John 6:41-51. Give thanks to Jesus for the gift of himself in the Eucharist and for sharing in our human lives, to personally know us. Pray together a prayer of thanks.


Dear God,

We pray that our family will grow in an enduring faith in You, knowing You are good and Your love is everlasting. Strengthen our faith and renew their heart to see You in everything. Help us to trust in Your promises and to rely on You in all circumstances. May our lives be a testimony to the grace and truth found in Christ. 



God bless,


India Mitchell-Fletcher

Religious Education Leader