Message from the Principal

Activities this term
Sport has been prominent this term, with Senior, Intermediate and Junior teams competing in interschool sport across a number of different disciplines. Students have participated with enthusiasm. I take this opportunity to thank the Year 10 students who have volunteered to coach some of these teams, sharing their skills and supporting their younger peers.
Read more about interschool sport and Sport Leadership in this issue.
Production rehearsals are in full swing with about 80 students involved, working on stage, back stage or in the orchestra pit. Cocurricular activities include rehearsals and meetings for all of these important roles. While the cast and ensemble are learning their lines, songs and dances (using backing tracks), the orchestra has begun the all-important task of learning and rehearsing the musical score, and the backstage crew are busy sourcing things that will be needed on stage, including props, designing components of the stage sets and mapping the requirements of every scene change.
Behind these busy students stands a dedicated team of staff that are committed to teaching students the skills required for their roles, and supporting them to achieve their best outcomes. "It takes a village" to put on a show, and it is remarkable to watch how all this collaboration will come together to produce a night of entertainment for us all.
Pathways Event - Meet the Job - was conducted earlier this term for Year 11 students, and it was lovely to welcome the many people who came along to share their professional experience with our students. This type of community engagement and support is so important for our young people, allowing them to link their learning journey to real-world employment outcomes. We are very grateful for those in the wider community who volunteer their time and experience to the Meet the Job event. We look forward to continuing these partnerships into the future.
Our school is lucky to have such a motivated and enthusiastic team on our Parents' Association.
We are looking forward to another fabulous Trivia Night in Term 3, but in the meantime the PA has already run two (2) Second-hand Uniform sales for the benefit of the school community - as well as organised a social night!
You can read about their activities in this issue - and I hope you consider joining the team!
Student Voice is a high priority and valued resource at BSC. Our Student Representative Council have been busy conducting student forums calling for feedback and ideas around the student experience at the college, as well as executing celebrations for Harmony Day and International Womens Day. Read SRC news later in this issue.
The 2023/2024 School Council held it's final meeting last month, and we bid farewell to those whose tenure on council has come to an end. All of these departing members have brought valuable skills and experience to the council, and the school has greatly appreciated their contributions. I particularly wish to acknowledge the departure of Elise Edwards who has been so committed to School Council, having served since 2019 and held the position of Treasurer for a number of years.
The 2024/2025 School Council held it's first meeting this week and we are pleased to introduce new members this year. We look forward to a busy and productive year.
The 2024/2025 council is made up of the following members and guests:
High School Basketball Network
Basketball Academy – Information Evening
DATE: TuesdayMay 21, 2024 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
VENUE: BSC - Auditorium - enter via Fallon Street
The High School Basketball Network currently runs a basketball program at Coburg High School, Northcote High School and Preston High School. BSC has been invited to participate in this network.
This informative session will identify and gauge interest from BSC parents for the establishment of an on-site basketball program for students in Years 7 to 11, commencing Semester 2. All parents, carers and students are welcome.
Basketball Academy is an elite program designed to inspire and motivate students to achieve on the basketball court and beyond - in sport, in school and in life.
The Academy is led by Mike Torres who brings many years of experience as a coach and player in the United States and in Australia.
Finding information
Students and families are reminded that they can visit the BSC website calendar to check the dates of major school events.
Notifications including class excursions, requests for permission and payment, School Absence approvals, PTS Interviews, Student Free Days and other more student-specific events will show on your Compass Dashboard and Compass Newsfeed as well as be flagged with students on Teams class channels.
Compass Favourites (the star icon on your dashboard) will also link you to information including curriculum and assessment information.
We strongly recommend that parents/carers download and install the Compass App to their mobile device for ease and convenience, and to ensure that they receive important notifications at the earliest opportunity.