Parents' Association News

Supporting Teaching & Learning at BSC

Sally Goss

Assistant Principal


The Parents' Association have met twice this term, and along with familiar faces the team has welcomed a number of new members. 

The goals of the Parents’ Association are to foster community and school spirit, to enhance the educational process through a variety of activities and events, and to support the development of school facilities and programs - all for the benefit of our students.


In recent years the Parents’ Association members have undertaken and/or actively supported key events, including the annual Trivia Night, Twilight Market and Parent Information evenings, as well as coordinated other social and fundraising opportunities. These events have raised and contributed significant funds toward the purchase and installation of ‘value-add’ equipment for the school gymnasium, classroom airconditioning and outdoor seating - all greatly appreciated by the wider school community.  

In 2023, the Association injected significant funds toward the BSC Grounds Renewal Fundraiser, which has enabled the school to commission of a Grounds Master Plan that will guide the project to fruition.  

Office Bearers

We thank the following members have nominated and been elected as Parents' Association office bearers:


President - Peter Parbery (Oscar - Graduate 2023, Ruby - Year 12, Marlow - Year 9)

Secretary - Allison Berry (Ash - Year 9, Felix - Year 7)

Treasurer -  Claudia Martinez (Maria - Year 7)

Second-hand Uniform Sales

Team members, Gill Ward (Ollie - Year 7)and Karyn DiFlorio (Charlie - Year 11, Nicoli - Year 9, Alessia - Year 7) have volunteered to take over and manage the Second-hand Uniform stock and sales this year. 


To date, the team have led two (2) second-hand uniform sales events, and intend to conduct up to 2 sales per term subject to demand. Dates for second-hand sales events for Terms 2, 3 & 4 will be finalised and advertised as soon as possible.


Gill and Karyn have been ably supported by volunteers who have helped to prepare for and run the sales events. We are very grateful to Anne Mantsio (Thomas - Year 8), Ruth Sandy (Ruby - Year 8) and Lara Stockdale (Abbey - Year 10, Polly - Year 7), Allison Berry  (Ash - Year 9, Felix - Year 7), Catherine Drimmel (Greta - Year 9, Rowan - Year 9), Diana Zannino (Luca - Year 7), Angelina Angelo (Eva - Year 8) and Yvonne Lamb (Henry - Year 8).  If we have missed anyone here, please let us know (it has been a busy term)!


Together, this group of wonderful parents and careers make a formidable team - always ready with a smile and lots of fun to work with.  And they have already raised over $2000 this year!

Annual BSC Trivia Night

Trivia Night 2023
Trivia Night 2023

We are looking forward to the annual Trivia Night which will be held in Term 3 on Friday August 16 (Save the Date - more details to follow).

A small working party has been established to undertake planning for the event, however more members are needed!  This group will communicate via WhatsApp and has already started to seek out donations and established a preliminary event plan.

Social Night

There is nothing better than a night out, and the PA invites all parents and carers to a Social Night (dinner) in Term 2 on Thursday May 2 (venue and time to be advised via Compass).


Please note, attendance requires no obligation to join the Parents' Association -  this is just a great opportunity to meet and connect with other parents and carers!  Those who are new to the school can use the occasion to meet new friends and to ask 'old-hands' about school life, events and other details; 'old hands' can meet new friends, catch up with others, and share their time and experience!   

Want to be involved in the TEAM?

Throughout the year, the Parents' Association will advertise events and activities. Through these notifications we will also invite the community to nominate to help at events via the SignUpapp, which allows parents and carers to choose times and activities that will suit them best.


We warmly invite and encourage all parents and careers to attend and support PA events, as they arespecifically aimed at supporting your child/ren(s) experience at BSC. Many hands make light work, so if you would like to contribute to the planning or execution of any of the PA projects, you will not be alone. We know that our community members lead busy lives, so we aim to make sure that no one person is solely responsible for any task or event.



Teamwork makes the Dream work - we hope you will consider offering whatever time, skill or experience you have to contribute to the Parents' Association's success this year. Email to register your interest.

Family involvement promotes a strong and better connected community - a community that supports an inclusive, dynamic, caring learning environment that all of your children can enjoy.