From the Principal

Ms Sharon Rainford

Dear Parents, Carers, Students, Staff and Friends of St Norbert College

Welcome back to Term 2! Although we have only been back for three weeks, many wonderful events have already taken place and whilst I know reports of these will be included in this newsletter, I would like to add my gratitude for all the staff and students involved.


Firstly, I would like to thank all of the parents and carers who attended the Parent Student Teacher Interviews on Monday, 15 April. Working together to ensure the best outcomes for all, especially our students, is essential. I invite parents and carers to maintain communication with staff and access SEQTA Engage to keep informed throughout the year and not wait until reports are issued. 


We had the perfect weather, albeit windy, for our Inter-House Cross Country in Week 2. House spirit was on display all day, with every year group having fun. Thank you to Mr Ryan Godfrey, Mrs Melanie Robinson, the Health and Physical Education staff, House Co-ordinators and Heads of House for their tireless effort. Congratulations to the Individual Champions on the day, I'm looking forward to seeing who will be crowned House Champion at our next assembly.


We came together for a moving Anzac Day Service on Wednesday, 24 April, led by Mr Bronson Gherardi with the assistance of a number of Year 10 students, the Liturgical Choir and Nicholas Nguyen (Year 9)who played the Last Post. I would also like to acknowledge our cadets, Logan Polette (Year 10), Brandon Chong (Year 10), Aiden Burns (Year 9), Jake Falconer (Year 9) and Jasper Dunsford-Goodwin (Year 8), who performed their ceremonial duties brilliantly. Thank you also to Miss Carrol Abel, Azeriah Borja (Year 10) and Jaden Laurel (Year 10) who represented the College at the City of Canning Anzac Day Service, laying a wreath on our behalf.

Ever wondered what staff do on pupil free days? Last Friday, all staff from St Norbert College and St Joseph's School went out into the community to complete Christian service hours. Our College Mission Prayer cites ‘our common ideals, worship and service’. This was our opportunity to learn about organisations fulfilling the needs in our community, with the aim of continuing to assist them. I encourage you all to read more about our Staff Service Day. Personally, I was grateful to take time away from the busyness of school and to be able to spend time with people in the community who ‘do good works’ everyday. In a time where we have been experiencing so much sadness and tragedy in the news, it was wonderful to experience the many good examples of ‘doing God’s work’ in our local community. Thank you to all staff who participated and to Ms Margaret Kyd and Mrs Jenny Palermo for the organisation of the day.


One of my favourite days of the year is Harmony Day. The celebration becomes bigger each year and it was so joyful to see students taking pride in their heritage, wearing traditional attire. This year's theme was 'Everybody Belongs' and I hope that our community ensures this is held true everyday. Thank you to Mrs Colette Miranda for the organisation of the day, which included ordering lunch for nearly 1000 people from 11 different cuisines, and to Mr Luke Di Labio and our talented students, who performed in the cultural concert.


With Mother's Day next weekend, let's not forget to thank our mothers, grandmothers and significant female role models for what they selflessly do for us. Remember that the month of May is devoted to celebrating and honouring Mary, the mother of Jesus. We can honour Mary by praying the Rosary or reciting the Hail Mary daily. 


We pray for justice and peace for all.


God bless.

Ms S Rainford


In remembrance of Lurlene Dawkins

St Norbert College extends its deepest sympathy to the Dawkins family on the loss of their mother, Lurlene. The Dawkins family were invaluable to our fledgling College in the 1970s. Lurlene and Noel were active participants in the Parents and Friends Association, the Ladies Auxiliary and the Fete and Maintenance Committees. Noel was also Chair of the Management Advisory Board for many years. They are both recognised and honoured by the College by being named on the Tongerlo building. May you rest in peace, Lurlene.

Year 7, 2026

Enrolment interviews have commenced for Year 7, 2026. Please be mindful that it will take 3-4 months to make appointments and complete these interviews. Please be patient as our Enrolments Officer works through all applications.