Student Ministry

Kairos 36 and Staff Service Day

Kairos 36

Year 11 students are invited to apply for Kairos 36, being held from Tuesday, 20 August to Friday, 23 August. Applications have been emailed to all Year 11 students and hard copies are available from Student Ministry. Applications close on Friday, 10 May.

Staff Service Day

All staff from St Norbert College and St Joseph's School participated in a Staff Service Day on Friday, 26 April. Service is such an integral part of our College and all teaching and non-teaching staff take pride in putting this into practice. We volunteered across a number of locations to serve our community, including Sister Kates, Emmaus, Shopfront, The Haven, Vinnies, Operation Sunshine, Juniper Aged Care and the Perth Homeless Support Group. 


After completing their service activities, staff returned to the College and shared their experiences with each other during a reflection session. The day ended with a beautiful Liturgy at St Joseph's Church focused on servant leadership, taking the time to reflect on our experiences of giving witness and being of service to others. 


Volunteering for the Lovin' from the Oven Program at Ronald McDonald House was incredibly rewarding and enjoyable. Cooking meals for children and families facing extended stressful hospital stays brought a sense of purpose and fulfillment, knowing that you're providing comfort during such challenging times. They rely heavily on volunteer programs with many of us seeking to do more work to build on the positive impact and further foster a supportive and uplifting environment - Mrs Melanie Robinson


I had the absolute privilege of volunteering at Operation Sunshine. The morning was spent packing backpacks for children in need of essential items when taken into foster care. It was an emotional, purposeful and fulfilling experience that will stay with me. I went home and hugged my children, feeling blessed for what I have and more aware of what others don’t - Mrs Kathryn Crocker


I went to the Servite Sisters along with Mrs Leon Rogers, Mr Eugene Kealy, Mr Gareth Travers. They follow the life of Christ and Mary and one of our Education Assistants, Sister Cecily, is also one of the Servite Sisters. We helped Sister Cecily with cleaning the sheds and gardening around their Archdiocese house. The Servite Sisters are very active in the community, providing services to those in need such as visiting sick people in hospitals. It was good for us to get to know Sister Cecily outside of her work at the College and to show appreciation to someone who had dedicated her life to the service of others - Mr Patrick Ah Fong


I learnt so much about Sister Kates from Sue Gordon. She spoke of the Stolen Generation and how she came to live at Sister Kates as a young girl. At the ripe age of 80 she is still powering along raising million of dollars to create an 80 bed aged care facility with a dialysis unit for those impacted by history. What an impressive lady. A balanced view of history and making the most of every day. We polished brass for the chapel and it was a wonderful environment to work in - Ms Sharon Boyd 

Ms M Kyd

(Campus Ministry Co-ordinator)