From the Deputy Principals

Mr Roger D'Almeida, Miss Carrol Abel and Mr Patrick Ah Fong

Cold and Flu Notice

The weather is finally starting to take a colder turn, serving as a timely reminder for students experiencing significant cold and flu symptoms to stay at home to recover, and if needed, conduct a COVID-19 test. While it's understandable that many students want to power through their illness and not miss out on school, it's essential to prioritise their health and the health of their peers and teachers. SEQTA is a valuable tool for students and parents to keep up to date with any missed work while away. Students can also contact their teachers who can provide guidance to stay on track academically while focusing on their recovery.

Attendance at St Norbert Day for Vocational Students

The College will be celebrating St Norbert Day on Friday, 14 June (Week 9). It is a wonderful celebration for our College community and Vocational students are encouraged to attend provided their workplace attendance rate meets a satisfactory standard. Those students on a Vocational pathway, who wish to attend St Norbert Day instead of their regular TAFE/Traineeship course, will need to submit an Out of School Learning Variation Form to Mrs Karen Gonsalves.

Year 9 Camp

Preparations for the Year 9 Camp are in full swing, with students having already attended an informative assembly led by our Year 9 Camp Co-ordinator, Mr Nicholas Roberts, about this exciting event. 


Parents and Year 9 students are reminded of the upcoming Microsoft Teams meeting on Wednesday, 22 May at 6.00pm. This meeting will cover important details about the camp including the program, clothing and equipment requirements, medical considerations and a final outline of the organisational details. A representative from the Outdoor Education Group, who will be facilitating the camp, will also be attending this meeting to provide further clarity to parents about the camp schedule if needed. Further information about accessing this meeting will be sent to Year 9 families prior to the meeting.

Attendance During Year 11 and 12 Exam Weeks

In the coming weeks, our Year 11 and 12 students will be focused on preparing for their Semester One exams and completing their assessments crucial for a successful Semester One report. We ask that the entire College community to keep these students in your prayers during this time.


During the Semester One exams, students on an ATAR pathway are only required to attend school when they have a scheduled exam, although students are welcome to come to the College to ask their teachers revision questions. Students on a Vocational pathway are required to attend their regular classes or TAFE/Traineeship commitments from Monday, 20 May to Friday, 31 May as normal.


Students are reminded that regular school uniform regulations apply during exam weeks.

Year 12 Student SCSA Declaration and Permission

As part of academic processes, all Year 12 students are required to complete the Student Declaration and Permission online by Thursday, 22 August. This declaration is essential for students aiming to achieve the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and sit the ATAR course examinations.


The Student Declaration involves acknowledging the requirements for obtaining the WACE and sitting the ATAR course examinations. Information regarding WACE requirements have been communicated by the College via the Year 12 Parent and Student Information Night, the College’s Senior School Curriculum Handbooks available in the Subject Selection Portal as well as online via SCSA’s Year 12 Information Handbook 2024.


We urge students, parents and carers to discuss these matters together before completing the Student Declaration and Permission online. It is important for students under 18 years of age to have these discussions before proceeding with their submission. Information regarding accessing the SCSA Student Portal has been sent to students and families via Direqt Message and also is available in the Year 12 Team.


Mr R D'Almeida

(Deputy Principal Years 9 & 12)

Anzac Day Service

On Thursday, 25 April, the Canning Districts RSL Sub-Branch held the annual Anzac Day Service at the new War Memorial in Cannington. Thank you to Year 10 Student Representative Council members, Jaden Laurel and Azeriah Borja, who proudly represented the College.

St Norbert Day Celebrations

It is tradition for the College to mark the Feast Day of St Norbert (6 June) with a day of celebration. This year, we will celebrate St Norbert Day on Friday, 14 June. Students will commence the day in Homeroom at 8.50am, before moving to the O'Reilly Centre for Mass at 9.30am. All parents and carers are welcome to join us for the Mass. Morning tea will be provided, before our annual staff v student sporting competition commences.


Students will be able to choose from a number of activities, mainly off-site, for the afternoon. These include the zoo, museums, escape rooms, bowling and many others. More information will be provided in the coming weeks and parents and carers will be sent a MCB Consent2Go email requesting permission to attend and payment.

Parent Committee and Mother's Day Breakfast

The Parent Committee held their first meeting of Term 2 on Wednesday, 1 May. High on the agenda was planning our upcoming Mother's Day Breakfast, which they host annually in honour all of the mothers, grandmothers and significant female role models in the lives of our students. 


The Mother's Day Breakfast will be held in the Xanten Performing Arts Foyer on Friday, 10 May at 7.15am. As numbers are limited, this is a booking only event, so please RSVP before Tuesday, 7 May via the below link. To ensure we receive an accurate indication of numbers, please also include your child/children at the College who will be attending on your booking.



The Parent Committee are still looking for new members who can support the great work they do for our College. Their next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 31 July at 6.00pm. For more information about the Parent Committee, please contact Miss Carrol Abel.

Uniforms and Personal Presentation

Students are reminded that they need to wear their full College winter uniform. Students need to ensure they're wearing their blazer to school, Homeroom and when leaving school. For more information about the uniform and personal presentation, please refer to Pages 16-21 of the College diary. In particular, students need to ensure:

  • Skirts are at a modest length on the knee and not rolled up;
  • Yellow and blue shirts are tucked in;
  • Navy blue tights are 70 denier;
  • Hair is clean, neat and tidy;
  • There are no extreme hairstyles;
  • Hair trims and ties to be blue or yellow or the natural hair colour;
  • Male students to be clean shaven;
  • Only up to one pair of earrings in the lower ear lobe;
  • Earrings are small, plain silver or gold sleepers or studs;
  • Neck chains are a single silver or gold chain and may have a Christian religious symbol;
  • No make-up is worn;
  • No eyelash enhancements and no tinted eyebrows;
  • No acrylic nails or nail polish with nails being kept a short, safe length.

Miss C Abel

(Deputy Principal Years 8 & 11)

Externally Set Task for Year 12 General Students

The Externally Set Task (EST) is a compulsory requirement for all students enrolled in Year 12 General courses and forms part of the College’s school-based assessment. Students were emailed their EST schedule and a copy is available below. 



Any students absent for their EST will have their EST organised as an assessment catch up by their subject teacher.

Semester One Exams

Year 11 and 12 ATAR students will be sitting for their exams from Monday, 20 May to Friday, 31 May. Students have already received their exam timetable, including their Student Western Australian Number. ATAR students are only required to attend school when they have a scheduled exam.



General information for exams

All students are required to be in their College uniform and should be familiar with the expectations of conduct during exams. 


If a student is unable to attend an exam on the scheduled day due to illness or injury, a parent or carer must inform the College as early as possible by contact the Deputy Principal for Year 11, Miss Carrol Abel, or the Deputy Principal for Year 12, Mr Roger D'Almeida. A medical certificate must be provided upon return to the College. The subject teacher and/or Head of Learning may allow a student to attend and complete a scheduled catch-up exam, or the student may be referred to the Deputy Principal. 


Students should aim to arrive at the College at least 20 minutes prior to the commencement of the exam, placing all bags, mobile phones, smart watches and other devices in their locker.


I wish all students the very best for their EST and exams. 


Mr P Ah Fong

(Deputy Principal Years 7 & 10)