Epsom Primary School Gazette
Strive For Excellence, Take Pride, Act Responsibly, Respect Our Community
May Newsletter · 31 May 2024
In this issue
Contact Us
Important Information
Working With Children Check, Breakfast Club, Updated Details, Lost Property, Uniform, Privacy, Medical Forms
Calendar & What's On?
School News
National Reconciliation Week, The Green Nest, New Shed next to PE Area, Wellbeing and Support Professionals (WASPs), New Website, Uniform, Traffic Management , Clothing Drive - Sunshine Bendigo 🌞
Specialist Subjects
Physical Education, Music, Visual Arts, Auslan
Our school has a strong commitment to maximum student attendance at school because it generally contributes to successful relationships between students and staff, strong feelings of connectedness to school and increased student learning outcomes. , EARLY LEAVERS, LATE ARRIVALS, WORKING WITH FAMILIES, ATTENDANCE POLICY
Energy Breakthrough2024
Student Council
Student Council Update, Events Coming Up in Term 2
The Wellbeing Team
🌟Wellbeing News🌈, Cyber Safety, eSafety 101: How eSafety can help, Wellbeing and digital technologies, Consent and online boundaries: how to support your primary-aged child, Setting your child up for success online
Are they old enough?, Is your child old enough for a smartphone?, When are they ready for social media accounts?, Key questions to help determine your child’s readiness for social media , Does your child know how to deal with negative online experiences? , Does your child understand the importance of protecting their personal information? , Does your child understand how privacy settings for social media work? , Does your child understand what is safe to share online? , Does your child know how to report cyberbullying and other kinds of abusive content?
Library News
NATIONAL SIMULTANEOUS STORYTIME, TERM 3 important dates for your calendar, Cuppa and contacting, Library Sessions, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Epsom Primary School Canteen Menu 2024
School Life
School Life Photo Gallery, McKern Steel, STAR Awards, Prep-2 Athletics Day, 3-6 Athletics Day
Mother's Day Stall, Fundraising Items, Qkr!
Sustainability Learning Centre, What's been happening with the Green Magpies you ask??
Community Notice Board
Thankyou to our EBT sponsors, The Great Moscow Circus, The Social Learning Collective, Bendigo Basketball Association, Sunshine Bendigo, Thank a First Responder Day, O'Shea-Ryan Academy of Irish Dance
Parent Community Group
Please Donate if you can...
Outside School Hours Care
For any inquiries and bookings for Outside School Hours Care, please contact OSHC Adventures., May Newsletter
School Uniform
Price List - Epsom Primary School 2024
Policy and Procedure
Bushfire Alert (BARR), Administration of Medication, Anaphylaxis Communication Plan, Mobile Phone Policy, Policies
Published by Epsom Primary School