Cornerstone Christian College 2021
Issue 10 · 23 Jul 2018
In this issue
The Principal's Pen
The Principal's Pen
What's Coming Up - Busselton
The College Calendar in 2018 - Busselton
Around the College
Consent2Go, Student Management Changes - Primary, Uniform Fitting Centre - Busselton Campus, Uniform Items Return Policy, Coffee Mornings for Term 3, Chaplaincy, Lunch orders @ Dunsborough Campus, Introducing Moira and Frik, CAPE REaD
P & F News
The latest from the P & F in Busselton, Entertainment Books
Campus Stories
Sydney Canberra Trip, Tree Planting, Your Say, Your Call Competition Finalists, NAIDOC Celebrations, Mr Arthur Can Dance!, Great Book Swap, Lap-a-thon, Secondary COGGs
Quick Links
Website, Facebook, Uniform Shop, SEQTA, Canteen, Consent to Go
Published by Cornerstone Christian College