In this issue
Calendar Dates
April, May, June, Follow Preshil here
From the Principal
Head of Campus
Welcome, Staff changes for Term 2, Quiz Night, Big Day Up to Blackhall Kalimna, Funscience
Office Oracle
Welcome to our new students and their families, Reminder: NAPLAN withdrawal, School photos/ID cards are here, Next newsletter
Careers Hub 2021
What's in this issue?, TOP TIPS, Good Careers Guide, WHAT CAREER IS THAT?, What does a Geneticist do?, FEATURED STORIES, Looking at growth industries: where can your child's career take them? , TOURS AND OPEN DAYS, YEAR 12 REMINDERS, Important Entry to Medicine:, Early Applications:, WHERE DO I FIND THINGS?, Compass News and Notifications:, Excellent Resource Links:, Helpful tools, Careers Portal:, Morrisby Assessment, Making an Appointment
7/8 Camp Week
9 Camp Week
Secondary Tours
Open Morning, Wednesday 19 May 2021, 9.30am - 11am