Careers Hub 2021
Careers Hub 2021
Welcome back for Term 2. I hope you continue to enjoy reading our dedicated Careers page. If there is something particular you are looking for or if you would like to share your career journey with our students please feel free to be in touch.
Please note students in Years 9-12 have recently been emailed our Bumper Term 2 Careers News and it has also been posted on their Compass Class News Feed.
The Good Universities Guide connects 400 job descriptions from The Good Careers Guide with every accredited course in Australia. Select a field of work here and start exploring.
Are you looking for a health career that’s a bit different? You could consider a career in genetics. Genetics is the study of the individual genes that make up life – things like viruses and diseases, and us!
There are several different roles people can work in, all with unique tasks and challenges. NSW Health recently interviewed three professionals in different roles so students can get a better idea of what a job in genetics is like.
"The job market is continually evolving, both globally and locally. In fact, it’s changing so quickly that today’s students are said to be training for jobs that don’t yet exist. As your child begins to learn more about jobs of interest, it’s worth considering growth industries to see which opportunities they may provide — both upon job commencement and into the future". For the latest employment projects please visit the Labour Market Information Portal here.
UCAT: Register here
Students who have commenced Year 12 in 2021 and are planning to apply for any of the following university courses listed below are reminded that registrations for the UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) are now open and close 17 May for Early Bird. Tests are available throughout July. Information has also been previously posted via Compass and email.
Students who are preparing for entry into these courses are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the practice tests and preparation material provided at MedEntry for UCAT Preparation.
You can download and view the 2022 latest entry information here below.
Many universities have early entry schemes where you can be offered a place before the normal round of offers. These schemes can vary at each university but generally involve completing an application and being able to demonstrate that you are capable of succeeding in your chosen course and also that you are a good all-round student who will contribute well to the life of the university you have chosen to apply for.
Current domestic Year 12 students who intend applying directly to ANU for undergraduate study in 2022 are advised that ANU will now make offers based on Year 11 results on 9 August 2021, and these will be honoured for study in 2022 as long as students have completed Year 12 and achieved an ATAR.
Applications will close on 24 May 2021. Students are advised to read through Application Information before applying at ANU Applications for 2022
More detailed information about all the above will be available in due course.
Please remember to log in and read your Compass News Feed as we regularly post updated information about tertiary open days, information sessions, work experience and workshop opportunities, updated Careers and industry news and a host of other information. You can also set up notification alerts on your phone for Compass so you will be instantly notified and never miss anything.
Careers Website:
Ace Day Job Videos: Preshil Clickview
Useful Links: Australian Jobs 2019
Foundation of Young Australians: Reports
Future Focused: 100 Jobs of the Future
VTAC Resources: Year 10 Guide
VTAC Resources: Year 11 Guide
VTAC Resources: Year 12 Guide
Explore Careers: In Tech Videos
My Future: Self Knowledge & Careers
Job Outlook: A Guide to Jobs & Careers
CompareED: Compare Universities
ACU Pathway Finder: Pick a Study
CAS Website: Creativity Activity Service Info
RMIT University – Pathways Tool
RMIT University – Pathways Tool. Many of these pathways can be applied to other institutions.
RMIT Engineering Quiz
Take RMIT's interactive quiz to discover which engineering courses or double degrees are matched to you. These courses can be applied to many other institutions.
Australian Catholic University - Pathway Tool
Once you’ve decided what you’re interested in studying, double check the course prerequisites and any additional entry requirements – you can also see how many pathway options apply. Visit the Finder Tool. Many of these pathways could be applied to other institutions.
A Parent's Guide to Career Planning
A Parent's Guide provide a starting point for the career conversations that assist parents to help their children navigate the complex process of managing their lives, learning and work."
Order your copy from the CEAV Bookshop for $15 here.
If you haven't already done so please take a few moments to visit our dedicated Careers Website. Remember, if you have an account in the Student Portal you can sign in here but, if not, simply register here using your Preshil email. Once logged in try out some of the online activities, interests, skills and abilities and other Careers quizzes.
Recommendations are based on a series of psychometric assessments to help identify strengths and results are combined with a more subjective questionnaire, where students can state their preferences for work styles, environments and talents. Cost is a one time $50 for lifetime access. Please email me if you would like more information.
You can now contact me in the Online Careers Hub in Zoom. Please use this link on the Preshil Careers website to make an appointment because it syncs to my calendar to avoid clashes. If you have any questions, concerns or need a face-to-face appointment please email me anytime at
Career Practitioner
Member Career Education Association of Victoria (CEAV)
Morrisby Accredited Career Adviser
Special thanks to Jacky Burton from the Yarra Career Practitioners Group and Compass Career News who tirelessly each year puts together a lot of the one-sheet information guides that help us collate tertiary course information into the one place for students to easily access.