Head of Campus
Big Day Up for Arlington students
Head of Campus
Big Day Up for Arlington students
Welcome to Term 2! It has been lovely to see the students back on campus and settling into their classes. Camp Week proved to be a real hit and I hope you enjoy reading the recaps in this newsletter and the next.
We are delighted to have welcomed new staff to Preshil this term.
Sam Kosky has stepped into Year 12 Theatre and Year 8 Drama. Rebecca Bettiol will begin on Monday 10 May and will be taking over Years 7 to 10 Drama and Year 11 Theatre; Tessa Devlin is covering Rebecca's classes in the meantime. Deena Kaltmann is teaching Year 8 Maths, a Years 7/8 Coding class and Years 11 and 12 Physics. Helen Kerr-Lawley, who some of you may already know, is returning to Preshil to teach Year 10 Maths and Year 12 Maths Analysis and Approaches.
All these teachers bring with them a wealth of experience, teaching and developing programs within the frameworks of both the Middle Years and Diploma Programmes of the International Baccalaureate. Please help us in making them feel welcomed and supported.
Some of you might remember our last quiz night held in the Kevin Borland Hall at Arlington and hosted by Brian Nankervis. Well, it's on again and we want you all to save the evening of Thursday 27 May. Cressida and I have met with Parent Representatives from both campuses and preparations are under way so please stay tuned.
On Wednesday 21 April we took advantage of the fact that our students from Years 7 to 12 were away on camps and welcomed the Primary children to 'the big school' for the day. They were given a tour of the campus and then spent the day making the most of the learning spaces by moving through a series of special classes in Science, Physical Education, Arduino and Design, Drama and Art.
This was an opportunity for the Arlington children to navigate and feel comfortable at the Blackhall Kalimna campus, and we also extended an invitation to Arlington parents to come and have a look around.
Our parents are always welcome to join one of our tours or open mornings, the dates of which are included in our newsletters and are visible on the Compass calendar.
Check out www.funscience.com.au for some engaging educational science projects: STEM kits, science gifts, chemistry items and more. Enter discount code PRESHIL to obtain a 5% discount for yourself, and the School will get *10% to spend on Science equipment. For any queries, please email info@funscience.com.au
*Minimum spend $20 to obtain discount and rebate for the School - delivery charge applies.
Victor Toufas
Acting Head of Campus