Oak News

High Expectations Respect Resilience Responsibility Teamwork

Issue 1 · 03 Mar 2023

In this issue

Important Dates Dates to Remember
Principal's Report Welcome to 2023 - ‘High Expectations Respect Responsibility Resilience Teamwork’, College Leadership, Outstanding Student Achievement – an invitation, A message of support for the people of Turkey and Syria, Privacy and Data at South Oakleigh College - Reminder
Assistant Principal's Report
Leading Teachers Report Leading Teacher: Junior School Report, Leading Teacher: Middle School Report, Leading Teacher: Senior School Report
Year Level Leaders Report 2023 Year 8 Leader Report, 2023 Year 9 Leader Report, 2023 Year 10  Leader Report, 2023 Year 11 Leader Report, 2023 Year 12  Leader Report
Staff Introductions We would like to welcome our latest members of staff:
Careers News Term 1: Career News 
Student Voice College Captains Report, SRC Presidents’ Update: , Campaigns Update: , Curriculum Update:, Connections & Wellbeing Update:, Communications & Student Experience Update:, Breakfast Club Update:, Enrichment Update:, House Captains Report: House Swimming Carnival, Yr 8 Humanities – Japanese Imperial Mutant Chickens, Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) Secondary Student Leadership Conference
Teaching & Learning Calling all Former SOC Students!!  , Year 12 Legal Studies Incursion – Arthur Bolkas, SOC’s Annual Club Fair, An Evening with The Beatles , Girl's Programming Network Melbourne University Opportunity, Year 7 School Mural Collaborations, Year 11 VM Class Project, Greek Language Program, Year 9 Marine and Terrestrial Ecosystem Studies Assessment Task
Sport News Term 1: Sports Report, Interschool Sports: Senior Volleyball
Community News Purchase a Commemorative Brick:, Follow us on Social Media, Sustainable Bookshop, The Entertainment Book

Published by South Oakleigh College