Jackson School Policy Advisory Library

Jackson School is a collaborative learning community for all. 

We aim to develop independence through safety, respect and responsibility.

Child Safe Standards · 01 Feb 2023

In this issue

Child Safe Standards
Child Safety & Wellbeing Policy Scope , Definitions, Statement of commitment to child safety (Child Safe Standard 2), Roles and responsibilities, Specific staff child safety responsibilities , Child Safety Code of Conduct, Managing risks to child safety and wellbeing , Establishing a culturally safe environment (Child Safe Standard 1), Child and Student empowerment (Child Safe Standard 3), Family engagement (Child Safe Standard 4), Diversity and equity (Child Safe Standard 5), Suitable staff and volunteers (Child Safe Standard 6), Staff induction , Ongoing supervision and management of staff , Suitability of volunteers, Child safety knowledge, skills, and awareness (Child Safe Standard 8), School council training and education, Complaints and reporting processes (Child Safe Standard 10), Communications, Privacy and information sharing, Records management, Review of child safety practices (Child Safe Standard 10 & 11), Policy status and review, Related policies and procedures, Related Department of Education policies, Other related documents
Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy Purpose, Scope, Definitions, Policy, Information for students, Identifying child abuse, Procedures for responding to an incident, disclosure, allegation or suspicion of child abuse, For school visitors and school community members, Additional requirements for all staff, Communication, Further information and Resources , Policy Review and Approval, APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B: managing disclosures of child abuse 
Code of Conduct Purpose, Acceptable behaviours, Unacceptable behaviours, Breaches to the Child Safety Code of Conduct, Approval and review
Child Safety Induction Pack Volunteers/Contractors Purpose, Key messages, Induction materials – must be read., Contact
PAL Resources