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The CITY LLEN Newsletter
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The CITY LLEN Newsletter
Issue 16
20 Aug 2019
In this issue
City LLEN News
St. Joseph’s Flexible Learning Centre, University High School, Flexi Schools Network, SWL
VTAC Dates
Important VTAC dates to be aware of
Youth & Education Sector News
School to work pathways , Vocational Voices, What To Do If Your Wages Have Been Stolen, National Youth Settlement Framework feedback, Free Group Yoga for young people , Top Designs 2020, Life at 24: Then & Now, Little Yarns for Little People, Wondering what‘Young Initiators’ is? , What's It Like To Have Cancer As A Young Person, Smashing the Education Debate , Heywire Competiton
Read This
Spooks and psychologists: jobs of the future, Grattan report finds those who study trades earn more, Primary school students to become focus of 'zero suicide' goal, The Uni Vs Tafe Debate Still Goes Strong, A cute human-like robot taught students in a small, rural school how to code while also helping them learn their local Aboriginal language., Discipline, data and determination: how some schools overcome disadvantage, The Research Files Episode 53: Building a school reading culture, It’s widely accepted there are certain, more minor crimes committed disproportionately by young people, such as property crime. In these cases, young people are more likely to end up diversionary programs, These ‘job snob’ claims don’t match the evidence, Here are eight things you should know when teaching Indigenous culture, One in 10 Aussie kids care for someone with a disability or drug dependence – they need help at school, Boost in high school students taking advanced computer science could change the face of tech, Schools warned compulsory sports carnival participation can put children off exercise for life, Indigenous art centres that sustain remote communities are at risk. The VET sector can help, Helping kids who refuse to go to school, Uni growth must no longer come at cost of trades training, 'He had never heard anything so amazing': Why one 15-minute class is changing lives, Students sleep out for homeless, 'It's dog eat dog': Creatives find permanent work hard to come by, App to help retain Indigenous languages, The Imagination Declaration: young Indigenous Australians want to be heard , Majority of young Australians say racism is prevalent at social and sporting events, Kiara shares her passion for literacy, Students free to study instead of sit exams, Youth employment program to trial industry engagement, Australia is facing a real generation gap of the kind we can't possibly want, If women from the ‘lucky’ generation face homelessness what can young women expect?, The congestion around our school desks, Clemente Ballarat program provides a path to higher education
Attend This
Free GEMSAS Interview Workshop sponsored by UniMelb SSS, TAFE Victoria Real Day Out 2019, STEM in ACTION, Road to Zero Spring School Holiday Activity: Direct your own TV ad, Supporting Yourself & Children Through Separation & Divorce , Transitioning to secondary school with cystic fibrosis
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Capital City Local Learning and Employment Network
Newsletter Archive
City LLEN News
St. Joseph’s Flexible Learning Centre, University High School, Flexi Schools Network, SWL
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