Youth & Education Sector News

School to work pathways
By Rasika Ranasinghe, Emerick Chew, Genevieve Knight, Gitta Siekmann Research report.
Five pathways were identified:
1.Higher education and work
2.Early entry to full-time work
3.Mix of higher education and VET
4.Mixed and repeatedly disengaged
5.Mostly working part-time
Vocational Voices
Have you checked out the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Vocational Voices Podcasts?
Leading experts discuss current trends in vocational education and training exploring a range of topics.
What To Do If Your Wages Have Been Stolen
It seems like we’ve heard about case after case of wage theft in Australia recently, especially in the hospitality industry. As busy young people, sometimes checking that you’re receiving the correct pay and entitlements can feel like a minefield that falls off the priority list.
National Youth Settlement Framework feedback
The National Youth Settlement Framework is utilised across sectors & within government to inform policy & service delivery.
Free Group Yoga for young people
Free Group Yoga at Headspace Collingwood for 12-25 year old's commencing next week! Contact Maddy to get involved.
Top Designs 2020
Top Designs 2020 VCE VET students who are studying the subjects listed below with products that score an "A" or "A+"can apply to be part of a perstigous exhibiton at Melbourne Meseum.
Life at 24: Then & Now
New NCVER infographic - Life at 24: Then & Now shows Fewer young people are working in their career job at age 24 than ten years ago.
Little Yarns for Little People
Little Yarns is a new podcast for children celebrating the languages and cultures of our First Nations peoples.
Wondering what‘Young Initiators’ is?
What's It Like To Have Cancer As A Young Person
While most young people are starting their lives and figuring out what they want to do with their futures, there are 4000 Australians every year under the age of 35 who get diagnosed with some form of Cancer.
Smashing the Education Debate
Brotherhood of St Laurance report:
Australias Youth Unemployment Hotspots
Heywire Competiton
Heywire are on the look out for young people from regional areas to share their stories! Winners will have their story shared on the ABC and win a trip to the Regional Youth Summit next Feb. Entries close September 16.